
Half Gaiyindanjue

[Source] only contained in the "Flora of China."

[Pinyin] Bàn Yuán Gài Yīn Shí Jué

[English name] Broadscale Humata

Medicine-based source: Division for the semi-circular cover Drynaria Yin stone fern roots.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Humata platylepis (Bak.) Ching [Davallia platylepis Bak.]
Harvesting and storage: summer, autumn dig, wash, go to fibrous roots and petiole, fresh or dried.

[Original form] plant height 12-40cm. Roots grow wild, rough about 1cm, on both sides a little flat, densely pale brown fluffy linear-lanceolate scales, base oval, reddish brown, shield-shaped with the students. Ye Yuansheng; petiole length 12-14cm, brown; leaves leathery, smooth, broad ovate triangular, length 18-25cm, width 14-18cm, gradually pointed, base almost round, three times pinnately deeply lobed; pinna 10 -15 pairs, the largest base of one pair of long 10-12cm, width 4cm, triangular-lanceolate, apex shortly acuminate, base several other wide, bipinnate feather or two deep crack, a back pinnules 10-12 Yes, base on the side of an axis parallel with the leaf, under side of the ramp, oblong-lanceolate, acute tip, base asymmetric wedge-shaped, feather or plume near the deep cleft lobule axis; back lobes at the base end on the side of a large, nearly triangular, apex acute and slightly curved upward, entire or the upper edge of a corner-shaped lobed; pinna up getting short, lanceolate, two back light feather crack; back fracture surface near the end of the triangle , entire; veins not obvious. Born in sori on the edge of the end of back lobes have 1-2; capsule base cap semicircular, width is too high, with wide base of students, both sides of the separation of brown.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: Born 1400-1500m with a forest tree trunk.
Resource distribution: distributed in Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

[Bitter] taste; astringent; cool

】 【Go through the lung; liver; spleen; kidney

【Indications】 Qufengchushi; stasis meridians. Main rheumatic pain; cold and fever; acute tonsillitis, tetanus; bruises; fracture; nephritis edema

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang ,9-15g. Topical: the amount of fresh goods pound deposited.

[Discussion of] each, "Xinhua herbal outline": There Qufeng spasm, and Water dampness, bone continued reinforcement function. For tetanus, tonsillitis, nephritis; external rheumatism pain, bruises, fractures.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

