
Semi-Feng Ho

[Pinyin] Bàn Fēnɡ Hé

[Alias​​] discolor Stella, red maple and a half load, large Yeban Feng Holland, white maple back, yin and yang, leaves, iron hand, semi-Indus, Fan Zhang hemp, rice paper

[Source] of Sterculiaceae species differences winged leaf sub-tree sub-winged wood Pterospermum heterophyllum hance, roots or stems to medicine. Can be taken throughout the year, were dry.

[Taste] sweet, warm.

Indications Qufengchushi, medicinal properties. For rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lumbar muscle strain, chronic low back pain, hemiplegia, bruises, contusion; topical treatment bleeding on the knife.

Dosage 0.5 to 1 two.

[Excerpt] "National Herbal Compendium,"

