

Overview: This product plants Campanulaceae Lobelia Lobelia Chinensis Lour. The whole plant. Summer harvest. Fresh or dried. Students to use.
     Alias​​: urgent solution search, ascites grass, Spartina fine
     Medicinal categories: Not classified
     Properties and owned by: Pungent, slightly cold. Owned by the small intestine and lung.
     Functions and Indications: water swelling, heat and detoxification. For large abdominal edema, face edema foot, snake bites, bee scorpion thorn bite, boils.
     Dosage: Oral, decoction,9-15g, or Daozhi service; external trace deposited or Daozhi-coated. External use.
     Storage: in dry place.
     Clinical applications:
     1 two Lin Ting Ling Tang ("cancer prevention and control research TCM") treatment of lung cancer symptoms of pleural effusion, or swelling of the limbs when cyanosis: Lobelia 30g, The Hives, Tinglizi the 9g, Scutellaria barbata, Trichosanthes the 30g, cloud Poria 15g, plantain, Prunella 30g. A drug fried two times together, 2 times service. Fang lobelia water swelling, detoxify, King and medicine.
     2 ("Jiangxi folk medicine") a cure boils swollen all positive drug: the amount of fresh lobelia, add a few grains of salt. With mash, wrap the affected area with yellow water leakage, convalesce. Fang lobelia detoxification, King and medicine.
     3 ("Lingnan herbs Chi") governing single abdominal swelling: lobelia, Money Grass the 9g, rhubarb 12g, citrus aurantium 18g. Decoction, even for 5 days, 1 day; after aggravating lobelia, Money Grass 2 taste, the original parties to the rhubarb, plus Divine Comedy, malt, Amomum, even for 10 days; this side made ​​the final pellets 15 per serving, and even served half a month. Less salt in the treatment. Fang lobelia water swelling, detoxify, King and medicine.

