
North Asarum

[Pinyin] Běi Xì Xīn

[English name] Asarum, Chinese Wild Ginger

[Alias​​] Yan Daiguo flowers, fine reference

[Source] for the North Aristolochiaceae Asarum plant Asarum heterotropoldes Fr. Schmidt var.mandshuricum (Maxim.) Kitag. The whole plant. Summer or early autumn fruit mature dredging to remove sediment, dried.

[Original form] perennial herb, 10 ~ 30cm. Roots will occur, a diameter of about 3mm, the top branches, internode length 2 ~ 3mm, a majority of students on the festival slender root, root thick about 1mm, the spicy twist. Leaves usually 2, heart-shaped or kidney-shaped heart-shaped long 4 ~ 9cm, width of 5 ~ 13cm, short-haired on the pulse, the following is more dense hair; petiole length 15cm. Flowers solitary and axillary; perianth tube pot-shaped, purple, top 3 crack, anti-roll outward lobes; stamens 12, filaments and anthers nearly as long; ovary semi-inferior, Style 6. Capsule fleshy, hemispherical. Flowering in May, the fruit of June.

[Habitat distribution] was born in hillside forest, scrub, wet places. Primary production in Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang.

[] With the chemical composition of volatile oil, oil containing methyl eugenol in the main (methyleugenol), asarone (asaricin), Lam Hong Su (elemicin), sassafras ether (safrole), etc., still containing dl-norepinephrine aggregata alkali (dl -demethylcoclaurine) and send up care amine (pellitorine).

[Taste] of warm, spicy.

[Indications] Ibid.

[Excerpt] "* Dictionary"

