
Sin grass

[Source] from the "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica"

[Pinyin] Bā Xiān Cǎo

[English name] Tender Catchweed Bedstraw Herb

[Alias] saw a small vine, saw grass, small madder, small flying vine, red silk, blood Sorrowful, fine madder, pulling vines, small Shujin,

Medicine-based source: dicotyledon herbal Rubiaceae Lara Lara vine leaf vine or coarse the whole plant.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Galium aparine L., Galium asperlium Wall.
Harvesting and storage: the fall harvest, fresh or dried.

[Original form]
1. Galium aparine Man Health, or climbing annual herb, long 20-40cm. Stems green, much branched, with a rectangular, down along the raw edge birth assassination hair. 4-8 pieces whorled leaves; subsessile; blade linear-lanceolate to elliptic lanceolate poetry, long 2-4cm, width 2-6mm, apex convex tip, 1 vein, above the green, white is back assassination hair, pale green below, along the midrib and the edge of coat. Cymes axillary or apical, with few flowers; flowers small, yellow-green; calyx truncated form, about 7mm, hooked wool; Corolla 4 lobed, lobes oblong; stamens 4, out; ovary inferior, 2 rooms, style 2 crack. Fruit dry, usually two (or even 1) nearly spherical fruit Pán composition table dense hooks pierced; Pán per fruit within a convex seeds. Flowering from April to May, the fruit of 6-8 months.
2 thick vine species and Lara leaves Galium aparine is the difference: the stem six prism. Green, white or purple halo, base Link. Slightly fleshy fruit.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: 1. Galium aparine was born in the roadside, wilderness, and the ridge side on the grass.
2 thick vine leaves Lara was born in the mountains, roadside.
Distribution of resources: 1. Galium aparine distribution to all parts of solid.
2 thick vine leaves Lara distributed in Yunnan and Guangxi.

[Cultivated] wild

Identification of the whole plant traits slender, Yun broken, gray or green-brown surface. Stem with a rectangular, diameter 1-1.5mm, edge down on the majority of students assassination; brittle, easily broken, hollow cross-section. Leaves 6-8 pieces whorled, sessile; leaf curling and more broken, after completion of the whole person was flattened strip lanceolate or lanceolate, about 2cm, width 2-4mm, and the next edge in the superficial veins anatropous small puncture. Cymes axillary or apical, flowers small, easy off. Fruit small, often has two hemispherical, dense white wool hook. Micro gas light. The color green, with flowers and fruits are better.
Microscopic identification of leaf surface view: more on the epidermal cell walls straight, no holes, bending under the epidermal cell wall was wavy, large pores, infinitive. Mesophyll tissue in the needle crystal beam more about 100μm. The assassination of leaf margin hair down most students, such as the hook tip bent, long 120-150μm, the lower part of enlargement, basal cells more than 10, a rectangular or square type.
Stem cross-section: rectangular prominent. Epidermal cells 1. Number of columns cortical parenchyma cells; edges and corners for the 4-6 line collenchyma cell; within the cortical cells a, long the main form, Kay's point clear. Phloem narrow width of the skin, approximately 1 times the pipe diameter 12-40μm, the majority of wood fiber. Pith parenchyma cells rectangular or irregular-shaped table.

Chemical composition [1]. Galium aparine aerial parts contain alkaloids: protopine (protopine) [1,2], Haer Ming alkali (harmine), and spend a small amount of racemic ketone alkali Ischaemum (vasicinone), left spin 1 - hydroxy-2 ,3 - dehydroepiandrosterone deoxy harmala bases (8-hydroxy-2 ,3-dehydrodeoxypeganine) [2]. And terpene-containing cyclic enol (iridoid) components from: Crystal Blue glycosides (monotropein), Aucubin (aucubin) [3], car leaf grass glycosides (asperu-loside) [3,4]. Also contains flavonoids: Rutin (rutin) [5], quercetin glycosides of galactose (quercetin galactlside) [4]; organic acids: chlorogenic acid (chlorogenic acid) [5], succinic acid (succinic acid) and sodium lactate (sodium lacate) [7]; coumarin constituents: scopoletin (scopoletin) [5]; tannin (tannin) [8], anthraquinone (an-thraquinones) [9] and so on. Fruit contains malt amine (hordenine), Gary acid (jaligonic acid), luteolin (lutellin), mannitol (mannitol), inositol (in-ositol), wax alcohols (ceryl alcohol), sitosterol (sitosterol) [10] 2 parts of coarse ground vine leaves with cars pulling grass leaf glycosides, vitamins (vitamin) C [11]. Root contains anthraquinone pigment composition: 4 - methoxy-1 - naphthol (4-methoxy-1-naphthol), 1 - naphthol isoamyl ether (1-naphthol isopentyl ether), 1 - naphthol prenyl ether (1-naphthol isopentenyl ether), 2,2 - methyl-naphthol [1,2-b] pyran [2,2-dimethylnaphthol [1,2-b] pyran], 3,4 - dihydro-2, 2 - 2-methyl-naphthol [1,2-b] pyran [3,4-dihydro-2 ,2-dimethylnaphthol] [1,2-b] pyran].

Pharmacological effects
1 Blood Pressure: Lara vine (alcohol) extract may lower blood pressure but not heart rate, intravenous injection of dogs 1-1.5g (crude drug) can be effective, and no toxic. Vehicles have lower leaf grass glycosides rabbit blood pressure. Galium aparine alcohol extract 1-1.5g (crude drug) intravenous injection, the dog blood pressure can drop.
2. Antimicrobial activity: 100% decoction with a flat disk diffusion method against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, which are inhibited.
3 blood: alcohol extract daily to 2.2g/kg oral or intraperitoneal injection for 6 days, on mouse leukemia L615 has inhibitory rate was 28.5%. The variant GaliumaparineL.Var.Tenerum (Gren.EtGodr.) Rchb.5g crude drug / ml in the blue tube method for screening test for acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia were positive.

Toxicology no toxic

Physical and chemical identification [identify] TLC: Take meal is about 10g, with acetone extraction and 4h, filtration, the filtrate vacuum distillation, the residue dissolved in hot water recycling acetone, dissolved material will be filtered cold water solution low-temperature evaporated, and then a little acetone, as the test fluid, and the other to obtain the vehicle leaves the grass glycosides as reference, respectively, the same point of the Western Hemisphere TLC plate with chloroform - ethyl acetate - isopropanol (1:2 : 2) Expand 17cm. Sprayed with Godin test Qi (1% vanillin ethanol solution and 3% perchloric acid solution, temporary use, when equal mixture), roasted for a moment, the test products for chromatography, chromatography with reference substance corresponding position, was same color spots.

[Taste] Weixin; bitter; slightly cold

[Meridian] Shao; lunar

【Indications】 detoxification; diuretic Tonglin; swelling and pain. Main swollen ulcer drug; mastitis; appendicitis; edema; cold and fever; dysentery; urinary tract infection; hematuria; bleeding gums; bleeding wounds

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang ,15-30g; or Daozhi drink. Topical: the amount, pound deposited.

[Note] Spleen Deficiency Jifu.

[With square]
1 rule Wulin: Sin grass three money, talc second money, a money licorice, fruit grass two double the money. Decoction point Shuijiu service. ("Southern Yunnan Materia Medica") 2 rule women amenorrhea: Galium aparine II money. Decoction. ("Hunan Drug Chi") 3. Rule bruises: Galium aparine fresh root, the root of all four Maryland money.水酒 half decoction. The other with fresh whole plant Galium aparine, sorrel decile, smashed external.
4 cold: fresh Galium aparine one or two of ginger three. Beating the red juice, water service.
5 rule Boil beginning: the amount of fresh Galium aparine, add rum smashed external, for the second day.
6 treatment of acute appendicitis: fresh Galium aparine thirty-two. Jianshui Oral.
7 breast cancer treatment: fresh Galium aparine 42. Daozhi and ulceration at the cancer spreads to lard can also be Jianshui Oral.
8. Bleeding gums treatment: fresh Galium aparine two to thirty-two. Decoction.
9 treatment of otitis media: fresh Galium aparine, Daozhi ear. ("Yunnan Chinese herbal medicine")

[1] each discussed. "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": heat treatment, all through the off heat, virtual TB, child TB, aching pain, hot shower, then Chibai cloud, Yu Jing pain. Blood Fanre back, only hematuria. 2. "Guizhou folk prescriptions set" cure scabies. 3. "Guangxi Chinese Medicine Chi" governance woman dysmenorrhea. They smashed juice red rice syrup, cure flying sore. 4. Jiangxi "Herbal Handbook": detoxification, swelling and pain. Rule carbuncles, appendicitis, nearly for cancer. 5. "Kunming people used herbs": heat and inflammation, rheumatism, scattered bleeding. Phlegm hot disease, wind-heat eye fog gum, bone pain, rheumatism, skin trauma, bruising. 3. "Yunnan Chinese herbal medicine": heat and cooling, diuretic, cure discredited, urinary tract infections.

1 treatment of bacillary dysentery: Lara 0.5-2 dried vine two water decoction, 2 pm service; or made into tablets, 0.3 g per tablet, every 10, 4th; or extract tablets , 0.3 g per tablet, 4 tablets each time, 4 times. Observation of 72 cases cured (symptoms, stool microscopy, cultures were negative), 69 cases improved (symptoms, but the stool culture positive) in 2 cases, 1 patient. Average length of stay 9.23 days.
(2) treatment of cancer: new Lara vine catty Jiao Zhi, add brown sugar, blunt, day 1; or two washed, chopped 1 dried, cook 30-60 minutes, add brown sugar, 1 day ,3-6 pm service; or chopped dried wash, put the pan in the branded a moment out, day two, boiling water, sub-sub-band service. Treatment of breast cancer, esophageal cancer, jaw cancer, cervical cancer a total of nine cases, including clinical recovery (symptoms, objective examination of the tumor disappeared, labor, recovery, observed more than 1 year without recurrence of disease) in 1 case, effective (most of the symptoms disappear , significantly reduced the tumor, improved labor force, and maintain more than one year) in 3 cases, effective (symptom relief, tumor stable or slightly reduced in a stable condition over 6 months) in 2 cases, 3 cases; treated six cases of benign , of which 2 cases markedly effective in 4 cases. More than the shortest course in January, up to 2 years. Toxicity and long-term use without significant side effects, some patients only after the service, dizziness, and nausea. Add brown sugar if taken, can reduce reaction; while serving with the battalion in support of traditional Chinese medicine Qi righting, the reaction can be disappeared.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"


