
Bai Le leaves

[ ] B I L Pinyin name 's keyword Zh Y keyword
English name ] [ Acanthopanox trifoliatus ( L. ) Merr.
[ alias ] white, leaf, Bai Leyuan
[ source ]
Medicine source: to Araliaceae Bai Le 's tender branches and leaves.
Latin animal mineral name: Acanthopanax trifoliatus ( L. ) Merr.
Harvest and storage: the year may collect, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of climbing shrub, high 1-7m. Branches slender diffuse, old branches grayish brown, sparsely, shoots down acupuncture, spiny apex hook song, flattened basally. Leaves alternate, with 3 leaflets, dilute 4-5; petiole length 2-6cm, with spines or thorns; petiolule length 2-8mm; leaf blade elliptic-ovate to elliptic-oblong, dilute obovate, central a maximum, length 4-10cm, width 36.5cm, apex acute or short acuminate, base cuneate, above veins sparsely the bristles, glabrous, margin serrulate or sparsely blunt teeth, lateral veins on 5-6. Umbels 3-10, dilute to 20 compositive acrogenous panicle of umbels or, the diameter of 1.5-3.5cm; peduncles long 2-7mm, glabrous; calyx tube edge has 5 pinion; yellow green flowers, petals 5, triangular-ovate, ca. 2mm, blossom, retrorsely; stamens 5, filaments ca. 3mm; ovary room 2, styles 2, connate below middle or base. Stone berry-like, oblate, ca. 5mm, mature fruit black. Flowering of 8-11 months, fr. 9-12.
[ ] bitter taste; Xin; slightly cold
[ function ] detoxification; blood swelling; dehumidification and astringing sores. The main cold fever cough; chest pain; diarrhea; rheumatism; traumatic injury; fracture; knife; carbuncle sore furuncle; ulcer; eczema; scabies; poisonous insect bites
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 9-30g; or boiling water soak clothes. External : the amount, trace and apply; or Decoction wash.
[ note ] pregnant women take it carefully.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

