
White feet welling

[ alias ] purple welling
[ source ] Compositae white feet welling Vernonia squarrosa ( D . Don ) Less var orientalis Kitam. [V. Teres auct . Non DC.], be used as medicine with the root.
[ ] Yunnan, Guizhou habitat distribution.
[ ] taste bitter, symplectic, slightly cold.
[ function ]
Jianpi Xiaoshi, analgesics, dehumidification, sterilization.
Attending indigestion, abdominal distension, nausea, rheumatoid joint pain, migraine headaches, sore and furuncle. The dosage of 0.3 ~ 1 two.
According to the report can also cure esophagus cancer, gastric cancer. Levigation Chongfu, each 1 to 2 money, day 2 ~ 3 times.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

