
Bai Lengcao

[ ] B I Pinyin name 's L n o C transactions to be
[ alias ] anti-tuberculosis drug, cold water, cold water, cold seven Dan red grass.
[ source ]
Medicine source: Balsaminaceae Impatiens plant fine root and rhizome.
Latin animal mineral name: Impatiens leptocaulon Hook.f.
Harvest and storage: summer, fall by grubbing and rhizome, clean, fresh or dried cut section.
[ ] the original morphology of fine shank Impatiens annuals, high 30-50cm. Rhizome with long, thick, with numerous fleshy cylindrical root. Stem slender, erect, unbranched or branched, distal part of stem or festival is often sparsely pilose. Leaves alternate; petiole length 0.5-1.5cm; leaf blade ovate or ovate-lanceolate, long 5-10cm, 2-3cm wide, apex acute or acuminate, base narrowly cuneate, there are several glands, margin with small teeth or serrations, glabrous; leaf 5-8. Flowers bisexual, total peduncular fine, there are 1-2 flowers; pedicels short, in the upper part of a lanceolate bracts; bonus purple; sepals 2, ovate in half, inequilateral, side transparent, have fine teeth; upper petal orbicular, ribs carinate, apex rostellate, wing flap sessile, basal lobes small, distal lobes obovate-oblong, abaxially with a blunt small ear, labellum limb navicular, extended into incurved long; stamens 5, anthers obtuse. Capsule linear. Flowering of 7-8 months, fr. 8-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
The ecological environment in the valley: shade wet or grassy hillside ditch water, such as wet.
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Hubei, Hunan and other places.
[ character ] trait identification of root knot shape, often connected into nodular, upper residue of unequal length stem scars, lower clustered most cylindrical root, bending, length 5-10cm, diameter 2-4mm. Surface grayish brown or grayish brown, wrinkled, with fine longitudinal stria. Quality slightly loose foam, sponge, easily broken, section red brown, with bright dots. Gas micro, taste salty, chew without slag and slightly thorn larynx.
[ ] the bitter taste of spice;; tepid
[ ] Liqi Huoxue Zhitong functions. The main rheumatoid arthritis; traumatic swelling and pain
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 9-15g; or leach liquor. External : the amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

