
White Paederia scandens

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From the 1" Guizhou folk medicine".
2" plant is in": stinky angulatus, Jiangxi has, a smelly stems, also known as the sub. Spread wall house, weak stems entanglement. Ye Yuanru horseshoe and sharp, dense stria fine. Autumn yellow solid node cluster, breaking a juice is very smelly. The natives to wash the sore.
[ ] B I Pinyin name 's J Sh T e n be
English name [ ] Herb of Tomentose Fevervine
[ alias ] dragon bone, lung injury.
[ source ]
Medicine source: for grape plants white rattan ( Cissus repens Wight et Arn, Lam of stem ).
Latin animal mineral name: Cissus repens ( Wight et Arn. ) Lam. [Vitis repens Wight et Arn.]
Harvest and storage: Autumn cut stem, cut, use fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of white rattan grass vine, up to several meters. Tendrils bifurcate branching, with opposite leaves; branchlets are usually white, slightly fleshy branches, green, cross section is a blunt four angular, with vertical stripes, dry easily in the festival from. Leaves alternate; leaves a long 4-5cm, glabrous; stipules obliquely rhombic, base cuneate; leaf blade membranous, heart-shaped ovate or narrowly ovate, long 5-10cm, apex acuminate, base cordate or truncate, margin sparsely sharp small serrated or sometimes only 3 lobed, green above, usually surface grayish green, the following light green, glabrous on both surfaces. Flowers bisexual, cymes opposite leaves, ca. 3cm, puberulous, spend less, first branches with umbrella shape; pedicel ca. 3mm, base often bracteoles; calyx discoid, entire, outside puberulent and eyelashes; petals 4, separation; stamens 4, opposite petals students; disk cupular, ovary slightly shorter than stamens, style very short, nearly subulate. Berry fleshy, obovate or globose, ca. 6mm, purple when ripe. Seed 1. Flowering in summer, autumn.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born around 600m elevation slopes, roadsides Kuang or valley on both sides of the sparse woods.
Resource distribution: distribution in Southern China and Taiwan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
[ ] the taste of bitter cold;
[ ] to the spleen; liver; Gallbladder Meridian
[ ] functions of clearing heat and removing dampness; alexipharmic detumescence. The main damp-heat dysentery; cosmetic applications; eczema itch; snake bites
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 10-15g, fresh goods times amount, or wrings juice drink. External: moderate, washed fried or mashed with.
[ ] the paper" Guizhou folk medicine": root: to treat jaundice, abdominal pain, stomach lag (FD ). Herb: malaria.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

