
Crude extract of Rubus

[ source ] from Guangzhou forces" commonly used Herbal Handbook"
[ ] Pinyin name C Y 's n G reports the keyword Xu u Zi
English name [ ] root or leaf of Roughleaf Raspberry
[ alias ] leaves snake bubble know, big rag thorn, tiger, tiger palm know, bubble bubble bubble in September, August, oxtail bubble, know it.
[ source ]
Medicine source: for the Rosaceae plant crude extract of Rubus root, leaf.
Latin animal mineral name: Runus alceaefolius Poir.
Harvest and storage: the annual harvest, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of crude extract of Rubus climbing shrub. Branches densely yellow tomentose, petioles, and inflorescences with small spines. Leaves simple, leathery; petiole length2-4.5cm; stipules pinnatipartite; lobes suborbicular or broadly ovate, size of very unequal, long 6-16cm, width 5-14cm, having a regular3-7split, with coarse hair and vesicle small bulges, below densely gray or pale yellow cotton Mao Hechang pilose, leaf rust. Terminal or axillary panicles or racemes, sometimes axillary heads bouquet, peduncles, pedicels and calyx are yellowish tomentose; flowers white, the diameter of 12-15mm; bracts large, like stipules. Aggregate fruit globose, diameter 1.5-2CM, red. Flowering7-9. Fr.10-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born in the elevation of 500-2000m, sunny slope forest or swamp thickets in valleys Zamu and roadside rock.
Resource distribution: located in Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
Chemical composition of [ ]
The fruit contains amino acid ( g / 100g, dry basis ): aspartic acid ( aspartic acid )0.690( threonine )0.281, threonine, serine ( serine )0.297( glutamic acid0.293), glutamic acid, glycine ( glycine )0.418( alanine )0.362, alanine, cysteine ( cystine )0.141, ( valine )0.385, Val methionine ( methionine )0.047( isoleucine )0.328, isoleucine, leucine ( leucine )0.483( tyrosine )0.139, tyrosine, phenylalanine ( phenyla lanine )0.326( lysine )0.304, lysine, histidine ( histidine )0.230( arginine )0.377, arginine, proline ( proline )0.410.
The fruit contains vitamin C10.63-11.71mg / 100g,0.69 g / g, vitamin B1, vitamin B20.95 u g / g g / g, vitamin E74.76, vitamin A trace. Fruit ( mg / g, dry basis ) k2.16670.7380.4895, calcium, magnesium, zinc ( g / g ) : 27.5952, iron ( g / g ) : 49.6190, selenium ( g / g ) : 0.0408.
[ ] sexual flavour Gan light; flat
[ ] to the liver through the stomach;
[ ] functions of clearing heat and removing dampness, hemostasis, and dispersing blood stasis. The main hepatitis, dysentery, enteritis, mastitis, stomatitis, March hemoglobinuria, traumatic bleeding, hepatosplenomegaly, traumatic injury, rheumatic pain
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g. External: moderate, grind end Caesar; or the decoction gargle.
[ ] the paper Guangzhou forces" commonly used Herbal Handbook: activating blood and removing stasis, clearing heat and bleeding".
[ ] the clinical application of treatment of halophilic bacteria in food poisoning. Observation of 71cases due to eat salty yellow Bullacta exarata caused by this disease, is common in patients with headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cold and fever and dehydration; in some cases have been bloody stool,2 cases of mild shock. By using the crude extract of Rubus, ginger1.5two0.5two ( young and adult disease who despised ) Shuijianbi, all cured. The service agent 1cure in 66 cases, taking 2agent is cured in 5 cases.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


