
Rana rugosa

[ source ] was contained in the" China Medicinal animal fauna".
[ ] C Pinyin name P W reports the grave.
English name [ toad ]
[ alias ] toad skin of Rana
[ source ]
Medicine source: frog Rana rugosa all animal.
Latin animal mineral name: Ranarugosa ( Schlegel ).
Harvest and storage: Summer catch, catch, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Rana rugosa, body length of about 43mm, head slightly flat, head is as broad as it is long; snout blunt; canthus rostralis significantly, head slightly concave downwards, cheek slightly outwardly inclined; nostrils slightly near the rostral, spacing of the nose slightly larger than the eye spacing; large tympanic membrane and significant, ca. with an eye for distance, vomerine teeth two oblique short lines, nostril medial tongue is deeply toothed. Forearm and hand to body length of 1 /2, refers to the end of a round, a long sequence of 3,1,4,2; joint of significant; inner metatarsal tubercle oval, outside of a small round toe. The skin is extremely rough, in addition to the palm, all covered with warts warts white, particle size, tympanic membrane on a minimum, usually ventral maximum. The back is long and narrow, white warts tablets are arranged in rows, temporal fold clear; a rear end has a large jaw gland; there are two tarsal fold. Male first refers to the base of a light-colored nuptial pad, silent capsule.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: often inhabits mountain cold stream of rubble, rock crevices.
Resource distribution: located in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other places.
[ ] the frog skin peptide chemical composition containing ( ranatensin ) - R. Liver cells containing guanine ( guanine ), cytosine ( cytosine ), containing 5alpha carp bile cholesterol sulfate (5alpha cyprinolsulfate ). The skin contains 4peptide ( peptides ).
Pharmacological action [ ]
1frogs bradykinin R contraction in rat uterus, contraction of guinea pig gallbladder. With hypotensive effect.
2particle releasing hormone in rat peritoneal milky cell ( Peritoneal mastcell ) ( Liberate gran-ules ), threshing and histamine release.
[ ] taste bitter, salty and cold;
[ ] to the liver, spleen, intestine three by
[ ] functions of clearing away heat and toxic material.. The main nodules; ulcer; prolapse of the anus
[ usage] oral administration: drying milling,3-9g. External: fresh goods amount, trace and apply.
[ ] the paper" China Medicinal animal fauna": Qingrejiedu effect. Attending scrofula, ulcer, prolapse of the anus.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


