
Thalictrum aquilegifolium

[ source ]" Jilin" in Chinese herbal medicine
[ ] Pinyin name Ch Gu I T n S n 's to be be C be o
[ alias ] cat paw (" Chinese herbal medicines in Jilin" ), red ( Tibetan name ).
[ source ] Mao thoroughbred plant Thalictrum aquilegifolium total grass or root and rhizome. Autumn mining grubbing and rootstock, to sand, dry summer; mining all grass, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbs, about 60~ 150cm. Rhizome short, fibrous roots black brown. Stems erect, glabrous. Leaf is 3 ~4to3leaves; leaflets thick grass, broadly ovate-cordate to obovate or suborbicular, wedge,1.5 to2.5 cm long,1.2to 3 cm wide,3lobed, lobes entire or with sparse coarse teeth, veins slightly raised. Compound monochasium corymbose, with numerous branches; sepals white or purplish, broadly elliptic, long 3- 3.5millimeter; no petals; stamens numerous, long 6- 9millimeter, filaments upper oblanceolate; carpels 6~ 8, ovary long stipitate, style is short. Achenes included several, obovate,3 to4longitudinal fin, with a sudden sharp fruit mouth. Florescence 6to July. Fruit7to September.
[ ] was born in forest edge habitat distribution and riparian thickets, forest grassland. The distribution of Zhejiang, Shandong, Hebei, Inner Mongolia and northeast and other places.
[ ] of taste" Plateau" of Chinese herbal medicine in treatment of manual: bitter, cold.
[ ] according to the" plateau of Chinese herbal medicine in treatment of manual": into the heart, lung, stomach meridian.
[ function ]
Heat clearing and detoxicating. Treatment for lung heat cough, angina.
The" Chinese herbal medicine in Jilin:" Qingre xiaoyan. Treatment for lung heat cough.
The" Plateau" of Chinese herbal medicine in treatment of manual: clearing away heat and toxic material. The cure of all fever; generation of Coptis chinensis with.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,1~ 3of money; or made into syrup.
Clinical application of treating angina: [ ] the cat's paw made100% syrup, within 6 months of each 5 ml,7to 12 months of 8 ml,1~ 3 years old in10 ml,3above the age of 15to 20 ml,3to 4 times daily, food service,3 days for a course of treatment. Treatment of 40 cases,26 cases were cured,8 cases improved,3 cases are invalid, unknown in 3cases. Cured cases on average 1.5 days of fever.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"

