

[ source ] from the" compendium of Materia Medica" gleaning
[ ] Pinyin name Ch Ch: n to be
English name [ Weaver ]
[ alias ] a female worms
[ source ]
Medicine source: gyrinidae animal bean of scorpio.
Latin animal mineral name: Gyrinus curtus Motsch.
Harvest and storage: the summer and autumn catch, fresh, dried or scald after death.
[ ] the original morphology of whirligig body is elliptic, ca.7mm males, females larger. Black or yellow, shiny. The head and chest always smooth. Upper lip straight wrinkle. Compound eye separation, there are2 pairs of upper and lower, top 1on, for air CTV; below1, suitable for the underwater vision. Antennae short,9day, black, but in the second quarter the branching brown. On foot3, russet, long forelimbs, in two, after limb short, flat, suitable for swimming. Elytra have carved point, slightly prominent wing and tail.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: live in swamps in water cycle swimming, night flying free.
Resource distribution: he distributed in southern China around the.
[ taste ] poisonous
[ ] to the heart; spleen meridian
[ ] functions corrosion polyp; detoxification. The main polyp; inside
[ usage] external : the amount, trace and apply.
[ note ] oral administration should be carefully.
[ ] the treatise" Materia Medica": a corrosion polyps, apply inside.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


