
Like bone

[ source ] from the" compendium of Materia Medica"
[ ] G and Ch Pinyin name
English name [ ] Sparrow hawk bone
[ source ]
Medicine source: Accipitridae animal hen harrier wings bone.
Latin animal mineral name: Circus cyaneus cyaneus ( Linnaeus )
[ ] the original morphology of hen Harrier, body length of about48cm. Mouth black, base with blue green yellow wax. Yellow iris. The upper surface of the wing includes two mostly blue grey; forehead, head of grey, later decorated with brown, Yu Ji white also often appear on the outside; ear coverts behind that frontal feathers fluffy and slightly curly, slightly into the basin shaped; lateral6primary feather black, apex with grey feathers margin, Yu Ji white; upper tail coverts white,1 central tail feathers and back on the same color,2on ash and ash transverse spots, outer tail feathers are white, also mixed with dark transverse spot. Chest and head the same, but the color is light; flank, abdomen, undertail coverts and overlying leg feathers white. The foot and toe claws are yellow, black. The female body is mostly dark brown; lower body brown, and mixed with brown streaking.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: habitat in open areas, often living alone. Flying the nimble.
Resource distribution: Breeding in Northeast and Western Xinjiang, throughout the territory, for others and winter migratory birds.
[ ] the salty taste of cool;
[ ] lung kidney meridian;
[ function ] hemostasis. The main epistaxis
[ usage] external : broiled for casual, blowing.
[ ] the treatise" Holy Benevolent Prescriptions treating epistaxis:" more than. The old owl off big bone, micro processing, ramming Shiloh for casual, little blowing nose.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

