
Evodia fargesii

[ source ] from the" Guangxi drug-sik directory"
[ ] Ch u Pinyin names which L, Sh
English name [ ] Fruit of Farges Evodia
[ alias ] wild rice, spicy spicy stinky Wu Yu.
[ source ]
Medicine source: as the family Rutaceae evodia fruit tree.
Latin animal mineral name: Evodia fargesii Dode
Harvest and storage:8-9picking the ripe fruit, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Evodia tree deciduous trees, high 15m. The bark is smooth, light grey to dark grey, branches purplish brown to grayish brown, round or oblong lenticels. Leaves odd-pinnate; rachis top petiolule length 1.5-2.5cm, lateral petiolules long 2-6mm; leaflets 7tablets (5-11), elliptic-lanceolate or egg shape is oblong to lanceolate, long 6-11cm,2-6cm wide, apex acuminate, base rounded or broadly cuneate often oblique, margin entire, above green, glabrous or sometimes sparsely pubescent below, gray and white, dry pale green or dark brown, along main veins sparsely pilose or fall off, but the axillary vein and main veins on both sides of the base Mao Changmi generated Cong, without glands. Thyrses terminal, inflorescence length 6-10cm, width of 8-12cm or more wide, rachis and pedicels sparsely pubescent; sepals 5lobed, triangular, ca.1mm, edges are short eyelashes; petals 5, white; male flowers early retirement of ovary apex5deeply lobed; female flowers staminodes very short; ovary superior, nearly circular spherical, style very short. Follicles4-5 cleft, rare for3 crack, light red. Seeds dark brown, ovoid, ca.3mm. Flowering of 6-8 months, fr.9-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in sunny slope, stream moist undergrowth.
Resource distribution: located in Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou etc..
[ character ] trait distinguishing fruit star-shaped oblate, by the 5or4below the middle of free follicle. Surface yellowish brown to greenish brown, slightly rough, rugose, oil is sparse, or not very significant, the top is a plum blossom shape deeply lobed, base residues in fruit, slightly pilose or glabrous. Seeds brownish black. Hard and brittle. Micro gas smell, taste bitter, slightly spicy.
[ ] the bitter taste of spice; temperature;
[ ] to the liver through the lung;
[ function ] heads attending cough; cold; pain relief. Primary cough; abdominal pain
[ usage] oral administration of Decoction: fresh goods,6-9g,15-18g.
[ method ] treat children with measles after coughing: since hot tree fruit five to six money, fresh sorghum bubble stick to five money, fresh honeysuckle rattan three to four money, fresh fish stock to five money, licorice three to four money. Decoction, each serving a morning and evening meals.
[ ] the discussion
1" wide mange medicine plant list:" treat stomach pain.
2 Jiangxi" Herbal Handbook:" treat cough after measles.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

