
The Pearl

Pinyin name ] [ Dì Xià Mí n Zh ū
[ alias ] drop pearl, iron -, land, a grain of gold, old wounds, toggle, arsenic, iron mountain clay bead, inch, a drop of golden elixir, pearl, pearl, underground within the sundew root.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: droseraceae plant sundew Drosera DroserapeltataSmithvar.multisepalaY.Z.Ruan or D.peltataSmithvar.glabrataY.Z.Ruan.
Latin botanical name: 1.Drosera peltata Smith animal minerals ( var.multisepala Y.Z.Ruan D.peltata Smith var.lunata.non Clarke2.Drosera peltata Smith var.glabrata ) Y.Z.Ruan ( D.peltata Smith var.lunata auct.non Clarke )
Harvest and storage: the summer excavation, the acquisition time is generally10-20d, dated the grass withers, is unable to find. Recovery of storage after the sandy soil, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1perennial sundew. Erect or sometimes a climbing form, high 9-32cm, purple red sap. Bulbous bulbous purple, ca.6mm. Basal leaf blade densely integrated nearly round or the pieces inserted in internode elongation of stems; degeneration of basal Ye Xianzhuang subulate, ca.2mm; no degradation of basal leaves orbicular or oblate flowers wither, withered; stem leaves alternate, peltate, half-moon shaped or semicircular, long 2-3mm, edge or leaf above the majority of the capitate hairs, secretion of mucus, formation of dew. Helicoid cyme was born on top of branches and stems top; bracts wedge or oblanceolate, with flower 3-22; flowers5-7, abaxially sparsely or densely long glandular trichomes, margin long glandular hairs; petals 5, wedge, white, pink or red, longer than sepals with coloured vertical stripes; stamens 5, long about 5mm; pistil single, ovary superior, room L, squid3-5. Gourd fruit length 2-4mm,2-4loculicidal. Seeds small, oval, testa veins thickened into a honeycomb lattice. Flower, month of fruit period 6-9.
2of this variant of Drosera and variants of the major difference lies in the calyx back glabrous, dilute base with short glandular hairs; flowers white, style 2-4, dilute5; fruit slice2-4, rare 5.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment:1in elevation of 1200-3650m humid slopes under the pine forest, grass or brook channel edge.
2 born in hillside, grass, scrub and woodland stream under.
Resource distribution:1distributed in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Tibet.
2located in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and other places.
[ character ]
Character identification corm shows irregular globose, diameter 3-8mm, surface black brown, rough, irregular shrinkage, wrinkles, the top has hollow stem scars, bottom mark fibrous roots, some residual brownish black scale leaf. Soft and hard, yellow, pale brownish red section to pale brown, powder, under the magnifying glass observation has bright dots. Gas micro, taste slightly astringent.
Microscopic identification of corm transverse: epidermal cells is long elliptic, outer wall slightly thickened, cortical parenchyma cells were round, loosely arranged, cell containing a large number of starch grains. Monocyclic type vascular bundles scattered in more developed, phloem, xylem often3 to a number of communities, small wood wall.
[ ] taste sweet; bitter; flat; a small drug
[ ] the lung meridian; liver; stomach meridian
[ indications ] Qufeng wins wet; Huoxue Zhitong; Sanjie detoxification. The main muscles pain; pain; migraine; traumatic injury; malaria; Luo Li; swollen poison; red eye; ocular; scabies; can also be used for pediatric tetanus; pneumonia; cold
[ usage] oral administration: milling,0.5-1.5g; or juice or wine. External: amount, trace and apply to affected parts or acupuncture points, as foaming agent.
[ note ] pregnant woman forbids. Oral overdose may have dizziness, drowsiness phenomenon.
[ ] this product is attached side round shape such as beads, black leather, quality white, so it is underground, underground, ground pearl pearl pearl, land, clay, iron Bead Toggle the name. It can heal, it is also known as a saver, a drop of golden, Chen injury child.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

