
To rain

Pinyin name ] [ Dì Miá n Miá n
[ alias ] spider grass
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Labiatae plants Ono Zhima root.
Latin animal mineral name: Galeobdolon chinense ( Benth. ) C.Y.Wu[Lamium chinense Benth.]
[ ] the original form of Onokazu sesame, herbaceous, tall 10-60cm. Sometimes with root. Stems erect, four prism, densely yellow villous. Leaves opposite; petiole 5-15mm; leaf blade ovate, ovate-oblong or broadly lanceolate,1.5-4cm long,1.1-2.2cm wide, apex obtuse or acute, base broadly cuneate, margin with rounded with serrate above, densely adnate cilia, below is a dirty yellow villous. Verticillaster2-4 flower, axillary on total drama leaves; bracts. Linear, ca.6mm, caducous; calyx tube closing bell, ca.1.5cm, outside densely villous . Calyx teeth,5, and so on, lanceolate, long 4-6mm, apex with awnlike; corolla pink, ca.2.1cm, outside be a white soft line, in face of the lower hairy annulus, upper lip pouring egg, long 1.1cm, base attenuate, lower lip shorter,3 crack, lobation is bigger in; stamens 4, anterior to the longer, filaments flattened, glabrous. , anthers purple, ovoid, room 2, divaricate; ovary4 crack, glabrous, stigmas 2lobed; disk cupular. The small firm check inverted oval three prismatic, about 2.1mm long, apex truncate. Florescence 3-5 month, month of fruit period 4-6.
[ ] habitat distribution distribution in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, northern Guangdong and Guangxi in the northeast.
[ indications ] hemostasis. The main trauma hemorrhage
[ usage] suitable external: Da, fresh goods trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


