
Viola yedoensis

[ ] the source of" on"
Pinyin name ] [ Dì Dī n
[ alias ] arrow grass (" Benshi Fang" ), Yosumi Ko (" heaven and earth" business secret to walk ), tiger (" classes" ), (" New Fourth grass Materia Medica" ), (" best grass with interest in dietary spectrum" ).
[ source ]
Violaceae Viola for plants, ploughshares grass; legume pocket meters, millet pocket or Gentianaceae gentian root in Southern China with all the grass.
①, viola viola inconspicua:5 ~ between August, when the fruit is ripe to take a complete grass, to net soil, dried in the sun.
The bag of rice and millet pocket: spring, autumn digging with a complete grass, use fresh or dried.
Southern China: spring, summer, gentian flowers open at the beginning to take the whole grass, dried.
[ ] the original morphology
①Viola yedoensis, aka: Violet Viola yedoensis, rabbit ear grass, Liao.
Perennial is herbaceous, tall 7 ~15 cm, entire plant densely white undercoat. The thick, yellowish white. Leaf Conggen of tufted; petiole is long 3- 10centimeters, the upper sides slightly winged; stipules membranous, linear-lanceolate, base attached to the petiole; leaf is long elliptic, long ovate to linear wide wrap around needle form, long 2- 9centimeters, wide 0.5~ 3.5 centimeters, tip is blunt, base shallowly cordate or section shape, margin with shallow crenatum. Flowers axillary, pale purple, ca. 1.5cm; pedicels ca.4cm to 1 cm, with a central linear bracteoles2; sepals 5, lanceolate, calyx with rounded appendage; petals 5, obovate-elliptic, the following 1big base extending growth, cystic or tubular distance, ca. 7mm; stamens 5, anthers, connectives broader, enclosing ovary, filaments short and wide, the following2base with a nectary appendages extending into the distance, flowers; ovary superior, carpels 3,1 rooms, ovule majority, style 1, post 3 crack. Capsule oblong, ca. 1cm, split into3 fruit valve, the valve having a fluted, base with persistent calyx. Seeds ovoid, brown, smooth. Florescence 3 ~ April. Fruit5~ August.
Born in meadows and slopes. Distribution of Liaoning, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei and other places.
The plow plow grass, grass detail.
The pocket meters, also known as: rice bag (" program" ), rice bag, spend pocket meters, Momura Oonying grass, small flowers, furunculosis.
Herbs perennial,5 ~10cm, entire individual plant by white villous. Taproots straight down, up to 1 cm in diameter more than. Short stalks, leaves caespitose, odd pinnately compound, with the long handle, flocculus 11~ 21, wide oval, ovate or long ovate,1 to2 cm long,2 to8 mm wide, apex obtuse, base rounded, margin entire. Flowering stems from leaf leaves produce, take 5~7, terminal, in umbels; bracts lanceolate, bracteoles 2, linear-lanceolate; calyx campanulate, calyx teeth5, unequal, upper2slightly larger, lower1minimum, mixed white and black hairs; corolla butterfly, purple violet, upper petal broadly obovate, ca. 13 mm, apex emarginate, wing long wedge-shaped, ca. 10 mm, with short claw; keel shorter, ca. 6 mm long; stamens 10, two (9ten1), ovary superior, long elliptic, styles short, glabrous, stigma inflated. Pod cylindric, grow 2.5 ~3 centimeters. Seeds reniform, black. Florescence 4 ~ May. Fruit5~ June.
Wild in the fields and mountains. Distribution of southern part of Northeast China, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other places.
④millet pocket
Perennial herb. Taproot stout. The stems are short, with short rhizomes. Stipules triangular, base connate, was sparsely Fu Mao; pinnately compound leaves grow 2 ~20 centimeters; flocculus 7 ~19, ovate, elliptic or lanceolate,5 to25 mm long,2 to7 mm wide, apex obtuse or acute, base obtuse, sparsely pubescent on both sides, peduncle and leaves nearly isometric, scanty by soft hairs; umbels2 to4 flowers; bracts, bracteoles sparsely hairy; calyx campanulate, length 5~ 7 mm, white sparsely pilose, calyx teeth lanceolate; upper petal purple corolla red, ovoid, ca. 13 mm, petals11 mm long, narrowly cuneate, keel length 5.5mm. Pod long cylindric, length 15~ 20mm, width 3 ~4 mm, pilose.
Born in the hillside, grassland, sandy. Distribution of northeast and Henan.
The Southern China gentian
Short herbaceous, tall 3 ~8 cm. Stems erect, tufted, slightly rough. Leaves opposite; sessile, elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, base nearly leaves large, grow 1 ~1.5 centimeters, wide 3~ 5mm, upper leaves smaller, ca. 5 mm, apex acute, margin entire, primary veins conspicuous, lateral veins obscure. Flowers solitary in stem apex; calyx tubular, ca. 5 mm, lobes 5, a calyx tube for short, linear, apex acute, scanty by short hairs or glabrous; corolla funnelform, grow 1 ~1.5 centimeters, green outside, inside the face is purple, lobes 5, ovate-lanceolate, mucronate, which fold a short, about1/ 3lobes; stamens 5, inserted at corolla, not exserted; ovary superior, room 1, style 1, post 2 crack. Capsule obovate, compressed, ca. 4 mm. Apex rounded. Seed1 gold. Florescence in April. Fruit5~ June.
Born in the wild grass meadow brook edge residual. Distribution of Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangxi.
[ character ]
Aka: viola viola yedoensis. As the Chinese violet or plow with a complete grass grass. Commercial products were bent into irregular clumps, root number, grow 3 ~5 centimeters, diameter 1 ~3 mm. Surface collapse and rough, yellowish, winding, with fibrous roots. The ground part is dark green to yellow green, petiole slender, twisted blade, a shrinkage, hot water soaking out, a long oval or linear-lanceolate, entire coat. Stems slender, often with a top three crack capsule, containing numerous seeds, a prolate spheroid, yellowish brown. Brittle fragile. Gas micro smell, taste slightly bitter and astringent and slightly sticky. In order to yellow-green, clean, no impurities is preferred.
Production of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and other places.
The sweet Viola yedoensis
Aka: Pocket meters Viola yedoensis, radish Viola yedoensis. Plants for the bag of rice or millet root or root pocket full of grass. Taproot is spindle-shaped, long conical or cylindrical, grow 10 ~20 centimeters, diameter 3 ~6 mm. Surface red brown to yellowish, rough, with longitudinal wrinkles, many distortions, or residual root and fibrous root, lenticels amphitropous, slightly raised, is linear, slightly darker color. The upper end has a plurality of basal leaves. Pinnately compound leaves, petiole slender, leaflets elliptic or long elliptic, white pilose, with lime green. Sometimes visible cylindrical pods, surface densely pilose, crack or crack. The hard and slightly tough, hard to break. Folding section fiber slue, milky white, inner surface is not flat, slightly grainy, creamy yellow, and has a radial pattern, gas micro smell, is light and shoot sweet. With stout and long, green, no impurities.
Production of northeast, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei and other places.
③gentian Viola yedoensis
Also known as: Southern China Viola yedoensis, plant Southern China gentian flowers full of grass. Multiple drying shrinkage into irregular clumps, root of yellow soil. Hot water soak, open observation: stems from base clusters, the majority, red to purple, apex with lavender or pale yellowish brown green, bell-shaped flowers. Leaf two two opposite, oblong to elliptic, petiole is short or absent; near base of leaf shape is larger, dense, upper leaves sparse, the smaller. Quality of a material is brittle. Grass gas, mild and bitter. The dwarf, leaf Shai Qing, color purple is preferred.
Production of Guangxi, Guangdong and other places.
[ ] chemical constituents of Viola yedoensis containing glycosides, flavonoids, wax ( wax for acid and unsaturated acid esters ), flower also contains wax, wax containing saturated acids ( mainly for wax acid )34.9%, unsaturated acid 5.8%,10.3% approximately 47% alcohols, hydrocarbons.
Taste [ ]
Bitter, cold.
①" Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": cold, bitter.
The" schema": pain, cold, non-toxic.
[ ] to the
Into the heart, the liver meridian.
①" jade" of drug solution: proceed with lesser Yin heart. Gall bladder meridian.
②" to drug agent:" into the liver, spleen by two.
[ indications ]
Clearing heat and promoting diuresis, detumescence by detoxification. Treat furuncle, carbuncle, scrofula, jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea, red eye, pharyngitis, snake bite.
①" Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": broken blood, solution ulcer scabies a, nine kinds of piles, the sore.
The" schema": attending all the superficial fat back, furuncle swollen scrofula, innominate toxic swelling, malignant sore.
③Materia Medica":" for primary cooling, swelling detoxification. Cure blood heat muscle flaccidity, apply sore.
The" old" south of the Five Ridges recorded: as cathartic and drugs.
The" common Chinese herbal medicines in Shanghai": Qingrejiedu, swelling of topical antiseptic. Treatment of swollen red eyes, sty, cure sore, carbuncle milk, enteritis, diarrhea, snake bite.
The Sioux medicine Herbal Handbook:"" cure all pyogenic infection, snake bites, lymphoid tuberculosis, jaundice, nephritis, cystitis, joint swelling and pain, hemafecia, epistaxis, conjunctivitis, prostatitis.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,0.5~ 1(2~ 3two fresh two ); Daozhi or at the end of the inquiry. External: trace and apply or aogao stand mount.
[ note ] cold constitution to hate.
[ ] a party
①treat furuncle : alfalfa herb grass, Daozhi. (" gold" )
The treatment of superficial back, ring the goiter : alfalfa herb grass, in the collection, to wheat flour and salt and vinegar, overnight affixed. (" Sun Tianren effect." )
The treatment of malignant ulcer: all of herb roots, dry day, tank Sheng, burning smoke on the sore, smoked, yellow, and do more. (" short" health easy )
The treatment of dairy blowing and all poison : Yellow Viola yedoensis ( i.e. dandelion ), all eight two viola. In the long running water cleaning, water extractive to slag, and boiled paste spread paste. (" Hui straight hall experience" herb paste)
The treatment of all pyogenic infection, tuberculous lymph nodes: a viola yedoensis, dandelion, lobelia each five money. Decoction. External application medicine slag. Two fresh Herba Violae, wild chrysanthemum two two. A total of Daozhi, cent is taken two times. External application medicine slag. Seafood, fresh flowers each with viola. Add salt a few, were pound apply affected part. At the same time with its two to three two, shuijianbi. (" Su medicine Herbal Handbook" )
The treated solid heat appendicitis: fresh blood of Viola eight money to one or two ( stem five to eight money ), and water into a bowl of fried, before meals, two times a day. (" Fujian folk medicine" )
The treatment of jaundice: d end heat. Wine service module. (" heaven and earth" business secret to )
⑧governance enteritis, diarrhea, one or two Viola: Sargentgloryvine Stem, ant grass two two, Scutellaria money. Decoction. (" Su medicine Herbal Handbook" )
⑨cure prostatitis: Viola, plantain, on each five money, one or two sea sands. Decoction, an agent, cent is taken two times, even served a few days. (" Su medicine Herbal Handbook" )
Dual cure pharyngitis: arrow grass, grind, the ketchup, pen dipped into the larynx, spit. (" Benshi Fang" )
Treatment of pediatric acute gangrenous stomatitis, fester stench: Ding root in any number of places. With new tile baking, to the end, apply to affected areas. (" Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" )
And the treatment of pediatric liver heat epistaxis: Viola ( fresh ) two to three two. Add honey one or two, Shuijianbi, even served a few days. ( Hubei" Chinese herbal medicine earthwork indigenous" )
For treatment of snakebite: a fresh Herba Violae Daozhi a wineglass, oral medicine residue with realgar; little, adjustable apply affected part. (" Su medicine Herbal Handbook" ) of two fresh, fresh melon seeds of Viola gold, the amount of fresh lobelia. A total of pound mud, apply affected part. (" Henan Handbook of herbs" )
As in treating traumatic injury: Viola ( fresh ) pound, formulation application. ( Hubei" Chinese herbal medicine earthwork indigenous" )
Treatment of scabies, the: the violet and chaulmoogra oil, mercury, sulfur and ramming topical. (" south of the Five Ridges herbs ." )
Treatment of pharyngeal and rice awn stick not out: arrow grass, chew swallow. (" heaven and earth" business secret to )
[ note ]
Incised Corydalis herb, is more complex, in addition to the above species, in Guangdong to Viola inconspicua Blume, Shaanxi to white flowers, Xinjiang to sweet violet Viola with a complete grass for Viola yedoensis Makino.
Another kind of Corydalis Papaveraceae Corydalis bungeana Turcz total alkaloid, is full of grass. The northeast, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Qinghai, Shandong and other places for Viola yedoensis. The details of corydalis.
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt


