

[ source ] from the" Guizhou folk medicine".
[ ] B I P Pinyin name 's grave
English name [ ] Tengyueh Spindle-tree
[ alias ] Niu Qian kg.
[ source ]
Medicine source: Celastraceae Plant Euonymus Tengchong bark.
Latin animal mineral name: Euonymus tengyuehensis W.W.Smith
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Euonymus Tengchong shrubs, branches gray-white, rough, with longitudinal veins. Branchlets with leaf traces. Leaves opposite; leaf blade oblong or elliptic, long 2-8.5cm, 0.8-3.2cm wide, base rounded, margin serrulate, apex acute or acuminate, green above, slightly shiny, under the mask of sparsely fine line. Cymes axillary, flowers bisexual, small, 4 count, filaments very short, inserted on disk, disk and hypertrophy flat; anthers purplish red; pistils 1, ovarian 4 rooms, hidden in the disk. Capsule. Seeds with red aril. Flower, fruit 6-8.
[ ] habitat distribution
The ecological environment in the valley: thin forests.
Resource distribution: located in Guizhou, Yunnan.
[ ] astringent taste; flat
[ ] the liver meridian tropism
[ ] bleeding Shengji functions. The stab wound bleeding
[ usage] external: moderate, grinds end apply, or joint juice coated.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

