
Calystegia hederacea

[ ] Pinyin name Dǎ Wǎ n Hu.
[ alias ] face vine, small bindweed, disc intestinal reference, paving.
[ source ] to Convolvulaceae Calystegia plants of Calystegia sepium Calystegin hederacea Wall., rhizome and flowers. Autumn grubbing rhizomes, and use fresh or dried. Summer flowers fresh.
[ ] sweet taste, thin, flat.
[ indications ]
Rhizome: strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, diuresis, menstruation, only; for deficiency of dyspepsia, irregular menstruation, leucorrhea, galactic and exiguous.
Flowers: pain; external use in treating toothache.
[ usage] rhizome1~ 2two, flower topical amount.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


