
Baisha Tang

[Source] from the 1. "Outline": Shimi, the Baisha Tang also. Condensation for the cake pieces such as the stone is Shimi, who as a light frost white icing, ice by the Kennedy White sugar, are a thing while the differences Crude also. Fried with sugar-based, imprinted into the shape of people who like the lion on earth sugar, "Han" note is also the so-called lion sugar; to Shimi and various nuts and orange peel, shrink sand, mint and the like made into pie pieces were tied for the sugar; to Shimi and milk, bread made of blocks Sulao who is lactose; are a few things have changed. "Tang Materia Medica" made it clear that Shimi fried, Sugar whom, but all begin with lactose note is Shimi, is no less clear. By Wang Zhuo "icing spectrum" cloud, but to ancient drink sugar cane syrup, then fried for the cane

[Pinyin] Bái Shā Tánɡ

[English name] White sugar

[Alias] Shimi, sugar, icing, frost sugar

Medicine-based sources: for the grasses in sugar cane juice of the stems, the refined white crystal.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Saccharum sinensis Roxb.

[Original form] sugar cane, a perennial herb. Stalk height of about 3m, crude 2-5cm, green or brown, with white stalks in flower the following filamentous hair. Sheaths longer than internodes, glabrous, hairy mouth sheath only; tongue membranous leaves, cut-off level, about 2mm; blades flat, glabrous, with white fat hypertrophy of the main, long 40-80cm, width of 20mm. Inflorescence large, up to 60cm, with white silk hair shaft; rachis internode length 7-12mm, the edge of the growth of cilia sparse; sessile spikelet lanceolate, long 4.5-5mm, the base plate are longer than the spikelet 2-3 times filamentous hair; Ying upper membranous, margin hairs, slightly blunt tip Ying 1, with two ridges, 4 pulse, 2 Ying boat-shaped, with 3 veins, apex acute; first lemma oblong Phi needle-shaped, with a pulse, apex acute, narrow lemma 2 into a linear, about 3mm, 2 palea lanceolate, about 2mm. Stalked and sessile spikelet spikelet similar; spikelet stalk length 3-4mm, glabrous, apex slightly enlarged. Flowers, fruit in autumn.

[Habitat distribution]
Eco-environment: common throughout southern China have cultivated plants.
Resource Distribution: Common throughout the south of China have cultivated plants.

[Taste] Gan; level

】 【Go through the spleen; lung

[Indications] and the priorities; Health and body fluid. Abdominal pain in the virtual host; dry mouth Zaoke; Dryness cough

Oral Dosage: into the soup and chemical ,10-15g. Topical: the amount, transfer apply.

[Note] The wet weight in full were careful service. Children do not eat.

[] Discussed various
1. "Ben Cao Jing Shu": Shimi, its sweet, its cold gas, its use in the spleen, so the main henchman of thermal expansion. In addition to hot fluid can Ganhan students, so only thirst and coughing phlegm also. More food can also damage the spleen, with its great flavor willing ears.
2. "Tang Materia Medica ': main henchman thermal expansion, thirst.
3 Meng Shen: head in the hot-film treatment, eyesight.
4. "Outline": Run cardiopulmonary hot, Phlegm cough treatment, and the wine, to help temper, slow liver.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

