
Carex White Ying

[Pinyin] Bái Yǐnɡ Tái Cǎo

Medicine-based source: White Ying sedge Carex plants the whole plant.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Carex rigescens (Franch.) V. Krecz. [C.stenophylla Wahlb.var.rigescens Franch.]
Harvesting and storage: summer, autumn harvest, washed and dried. Mature seeds harvested to remove impurities and dried.

[Original form] White Wing Carex, perennial herb. Rhizome slender, creeping. Stalk high 5-40cm, dark brown base with fibrous leaf sheath remnants. Leaves shorter than culm, width 1-3mm, flat. Bracts scaly, spike ovate or ovate elliptic, 5-8 by the end of a small spike density in the stalk; spikelets ovate, 5-8mm, the top of a small number of male flowers, the rest are female; female scales ovate or ovate-elliptic, 3-4mm, light rust, there is a wide white membranous edge, apex acute, with 1-3 veins. Fruit capsule ovoid, with scales nearly as long, leathery, long 3-4mm, convex-shaped, rust-colored, two have more veins, base rounded, apex acute shrunk to a short beak, beak tip with 2 small teeth. Small oval nut width, length 2.5mm; Style base slightly swollen, stigma 2. Flowers, fruit April-June period.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: Born Tanabe, roadsides, wasteland and dry hillsides.
Resource distribution: distributed in the Northeast and Hebei, Shaanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan, Hubei, Sichuan and other places.

Sweet [taste]; bitter; astringent; natured

】 【Go through the triple burner; the spleen; stomach; kidney

【Indications】 heat diuretic Tonglin. Main chyluria

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang,50-100g.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

