
Chelidonium cabbages

[Source] from the "Shaanxi Chinese herbal medicine"

[Pinyin] Bái Qū Cài Gēn

[English name] Root of Greater Celandine

[Alias] villain blood seven

Medicine-based sources: the poppy plants celandine Chelidonium majus L. roots.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Chelidonium majus L.
Harvesting and storage: summer dredging, sediment washed, dried.

[Original form]
Celandine perennial herb, 30-100cm, with orange milk. Taproot stout, conical, khaki or dark brown, dense fibrous roots. Stems erect, much branched, glaucous, slender with soft white hair. Leaves alternate, odd pinnate division one or two back; basal leaves long 10-15cm, lobes 5-8 pairs, lobes apex obtuse, margin irregularly notched; stem and leaf length 5-10cm, lobes 2-4 pairs, the edge with irregular notch, nearly glabrous above, brown, sparsely pilose below, veins more obvious, green and white. Spend a few flowers, arranged in umbrella-shaped cyme, pedicels of varying lengths; bracts small, ovate, about 1.5mm; sepals 2, oval, pale green, sparsely pilose, caducous; petals 4 , oval or long egg-obovate, yellow, length 0.8-1.6cm, width 0.7-1.4cm, smooth on both sides, stamens many, separation; pistil thin cylindrical, style short, stigma head-like, two lobed, dense nipple like protuberances. Capsule long angular, long 2-4.5cm, diameter of about 2mm, upright, gray-green, mature from the bottom up 2. Most seeds small, ovoid, brown, shiny.
Flowering from May to August, the fruit from June to September.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: Born in moist valleys, the ditch edge, green forest grass or bushes, near the home.
Resource distribution: distributed in northeast, north, northwest and Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan and other places.

Chemical Composition】 【containing aerial parts of Chelidonium cabbages papaverine α-L-A gold hydroxide and β-L-A gold hydroxide papaverine all other alkaloids (see celandine). In addition, it also contains magnolia alkali (magroflorine), dihydro-sanguinarine (dihydrosanguinarine), dihydro chelerythrine base (dihydrochelerythrine), Yu-dihydro celandine base (dihydrochelirubine), dihydro celandine yellow base (dihydrochelilutine), N-desmethyl 9, 10 - dihydro-oxidation sanguinarine (N-demethyl-9 ,10-dihydrooxysanguinarine), celandine yellow base (chelilutine), celandine set (chelamidine), white Qu dishes amine (chelamine), meso celandine silent base (meso-chelidimerine) and other alkaloids; also contains α-spinach sterols (α-spinosterol), ergosterol (ergosterol), saponin.

[Of] bitter taste; astringent; temperature

】 【Go through the liver; spleen; kidney

【Indications】 stasis; bleeding; pain; solution venom. Main workers injured bleeding; abdominal pain; irregular menstruation; dysmenorrhea; snake bites

Oral Dosage: Decoction ,3-6g.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

