

[Source] "Chinese drug plant field guide."

[Pinyin] Bái Qiān Cénɡ

[Alias​​] Yushu ("Chinese drug plant field guide").

[Source] for the Myrtaceae plant dry layer of the white bark. Can be taken throughout the year.

[Original form] evergreen tree, about 20 meters high. Bark gray, thick, loose, peeling off layers as thin sheet. Leaves alternate, sometimes opposite, narrowly elliptic or lanceolate, 5 to 10 cm long, 1 to 1.5 cm wide, acuminate at both ends, entire; with longitudinal veins 3 to 7. Spike top students, with a hair shaft, the growth in spending to continue into a new branch with leaves; flowers dense, white, sessile; calyx tube ovoid, lobes 5, round the outside coat; petals 5, broad egg round, tip round, off; stamens many, 5 beam and forming the base of the petals of Health; pistil 1, ovary inferior, the top bulge, hair, three rooms. Capsule at the top 3 crack, cup or hemispherical, about 3 mm in diameter, the top cross-sectional shape, ripe fruits split into three flaps. Flowering 1 to 2 months.

[Habitat distribution] was born in drier sand on the ground, mostly for cultivation. Distribution of Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong and Guangxi.

Chemical Composition】 【bark contains 54.2% lignin, and the other alcohol-containing resin, known as the white dry-laminin.

[Taste] of light, flat.

【Indications】 nerves calm.

[Party] rule with neurasthenia, insomnia: Melaleuca dry skin two to three money. Decoction. (The taste out of Guangzhou, the following units "Chinese Herbal Medicine Handbook")

[Excerpt] "* Dictionary"

