
Melaleuca Oil

[Pinyin] Bái Qiān Cénɡ Yóu

Medicine-based source: Myrtaceae Melaleuca plant leaves or branches to take the steam volatile oil.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Melaleuca leucadendron L.

[Form of] the original tree, up to 18m. Bark gray, thick, soft, thin shape was peeling off. Twigs gray. Leaves alternate; petiole very short; blade coriaceous, lanceolate or narrowly oblong, long 4-10cm, width of 1-2cm, both ends of the tip, entire margin, oil glands and more aroma; basal veins 3 - 7. Flowers white, in dense spikes into the top branches, rachis often have short hair; calyx tube ovoid, 3mm, hairy or glabrous, calyx teeth 5, round, about 1mm; petals 5, ovate, length 2-3mm, width 3mm; stamens many, green and white with a length of about 1cm, usually 5-8 pieces into bundles, anthers back the health, medicine room parallel to the longitudinal; ovary inferior, connate with the calyx tube, apex prominent , 3 rooms, style linear, slightly longer than the stamens, stigma much expanded. Capsule nearly spherical, diameter 5-7mm, nearly triangular seeds. Flowering several times a year.

[Taste] Weixin; natured

[Return] owned by the liver; stomach; Heart Sutra

【Indications】 Qufeng network; qi pain; insecticide. Main Fengshibitong; Spasm numbness; abdominal pain, bloating; toothache; headache; colicky; bone swelling; scabies

Oral Dosage: 1-3 drops each time. Topical: the amount, rubbed.

[Note] The oral should not be excessive.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

