
White leaf vine

[Source] only contained in the "Flora of China."

[Pinyin] Bái Yè Ténɡ

[Alias​​] iron side, centipede grass, fence tail snake, vine twisted horns, milk vine, opposite laugh, SFAS Aberdeen, Aberdeen birds rattan, cane juice, cream, Yang Teng Fei, neat's foot rattan, rattan peeling, carry the coffin back to the

Medicine-based source: Asclepiadaceae plant white leaf vine the whole plant.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Cryptolepis sinensis (Lour.) Merr [Per-gularia sinensis Lour.]
Harvesting and storage: summer, autumn harvest, fresh or dried.

[Original form] woody vine. Whole plant with milk; branchlets often reddish-brown, glabrous. Leaves opposite; petiole length 5-7mm; leaves oblong, 1.5-6cm, width 0.8-2.5cm, both ends of the round, with a small pointed tip, dark green above, pale below, glabrous; lateral veins of each Article 5-9 edge. Cymes or axillary, longer than the leaves; buds oblong, apex caudate acuminate; Calyx 5 cleft, the base 10 inside the gland; corolla yellow, lobes oblong-lanceolate, longer than the corolla tube 2 times, the right coverage, tip rotation; Vice corolla lobes oval, was born in the corolla tube surface; pollen spoon-shaped device, stick to the stigma; carpels from the health, style short, stigma broad cone-shaped. Stamens 5. Follicle fruit long lanceolate, up to 12.5cm, diameter 0.6-0.8cm. Tip with a white silk seed quality types of hair. Flowering from April to September, the fruit of June to next February.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: Born in hills and mountains shrubbery leaves.
Resource Distribution: Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

[Taste] Gan; of cool; small drug

【Indications】 Qingrejiedu; bleeding; Sanyu pain. Main Hyperactivity hemoptysis; tuberculosis hemoptysis; bleeding; carbuncles; sore; bone wounds; Snake bites

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang, fresh goods, 9-15g. Topical: the amount of fresh goods, pound deposited.

[Discussion of] each, "Xinhua herbal outline": there are detoxification, Sanyu pain functions. For Hyperactivity hemoptysis, gastric ulcer bleeding embolism; external governance bone cuts, sores and poisonous insect and snake bites.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

