
Big bamboo orchid

[ ] Pinyin name Dà Biǎ n Zh úLá n
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Iridaceae iris wattiiBaker rhizome.
Latin botanical name: Iris wattii Baker animal fossil
Harvest and storage: the year may collect, remove stems and leaves, wash, cut and dried in the sun.
[ ] the original morphology of sectorial iris perennial, up to 100cm. The roots of passengers, stout, diameter up to1cm, yellow-white, festival marked fibrous root branching, yellowish white. Stems flat cylindrical section, obvious. Ye Huang green, a stem top, base overlay, arranged in a sector shape, the width of the blade sword form, long 50-70cm, wide 5-7cm, apex acuminate, base sheathlike, with high 30-50cm, with vertical edges and shallow trench; panicle raceme, with5-7branches, each branch office3-5bracts, containing the 2-4flower; flower blue purple, diameter 7.5-8cm, length of 2cm perianth, outer perianth lobes obovate, with purple markings and stripes, margin undulate fold, stiffened with yellow cristate appendage, inner perianth lobes oblanceolate or narrowly obovate; stamens 3, anthers yellow; style branches3, light blue, petaloid; ovary inferior, fusiform, long 7-8mm. Capsule elliptic, long 2.8-3.5cm, diameter 1.3-1.5cm, apex mucronate, has 6 edges; seeds flat, semicircular, Tan, the diameter is about 4mm. Florescence in April, month of fruit period 5-8.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of about 2000m grassland, forest margins and the river wetland.
Resource distribution: located in Yunnan, Tibet and other places.
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ indications ] heat-clearing and detoxicating detumescence. The main throat; cough; food poisoning
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-9g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

