
Stemona tuberosa

Pinyin name ] [ Duì Yè Bǎ I B ù
English name [ ] Tuber Siemona Root
[ alias ] hundred large department, wild asparagus root, mountain Department
[ source ] for stemonaceae plant Stemona tuberosa Stemona tuberosa L. root.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial climbing herbs, up to5m. Upper stem winding. Leaves opposite, wide egg form, grow 8 ~30cm, width 2.5 ~10cm, apex acute or acuminate, base shallowly cordate, margin entire or microwave shape, vein7 ~ll; petiole is long 4~ 6cm. Flowers axillary; flowers with a bracteoles lanceolate; perianth segments 4, lanceolate, yellow green, with purple veining. Capsule obovoid flat. Florescence 5 ~ June, fruit period from 7 to August.
[ ] to habitat distribution in shade shrubbery, crook, roadside and valley and damp rock. Production of Hubei, Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou.
[ character ] root thicker, grow 10 ~26cm, diameter 1 ~2cm; surface grayish yellow, shallow longitudinal wrinkles; quality than the solid.
[ ] with the chemical composition of Stemona tuberosa alkali (tuberostemonine ), different to the leaf stemonine ( isotuberootemonine ), time of Stemona tuberosa alkali ( hypOtubcro6temonInc ), oxidation of leaf stemonine ( oxytuberstemonine ), for Ming (stemine ), alkali, alkali, cotinine (stenine) etc..
[ ] bitter taste.
[ ] the same upright Department functions.
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt


