
Matteuccia orientalis

[ ] Pinyin name Dō n F ān Jiá Guǒ Jué
[ alias ] lobar fern, Malay bar
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: onoclea sensibilis genus Matteuccia orientalis root or stem and leaf.
Latin animal mineral name: Matteuccia orientalis ( Hook. ) Trev. ( Struthiopteris orientalis Hook. )
Harvest and storage: collected all the year round, with clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of plant is as high as100cm. Rhizome erect, together with the base of petiole densely lanceolate in large scale. Leaves fascicled, type two; nutrition leaf petiole length 30-80cm, straw color; leaf blade elliptic, long 50-80cm, wide 25-40cm, apex acuminate, deeply pinnatifid, base unchanged narrowly, rachis and the rachis sparsely was narrowly lanceolate scales, two back to pinnatifid; pinna long 12-22cm, wide 2.5-3cm, cleft plate edge slightly obtuse teeth; lateral veins single; spores leaves pinnate; pinnae chestnut brown, shiny, the counter roll package is capsule group into a pod. Sori hemispheroid, born in lateral veins branching apical, mature merged into strip; indusia tunica albuginea, nearly circular heart-shaped, basally, rolling outward cover sori, mature over the sori below, finally dissipated.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 700-2600m slopes damp undergrowth or valley road.
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest, South and Shaanxi, Gansu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan and other places.
[ ] with the chemical composition of Matteuccia hormone ( matteucin ), methoxy Matteuccia hormone (methoxymatteucin ), Matteuccia phenol (matteucinol ), demethoxy Matteuccia phenol ( desmethoxymatteucinol ).
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] Qufeng functions; hemostasis. The main rheumatic arthralgia; traumatic bleeding
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g. External: amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


