
A large debt to avoid moth

[ source ] was contained in the" China Medicinal animal Zhi".
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Bì Zhà Ié
English name [ ] big bagworm moths
[ alias ] skin, large insects, worms, bagworm ang hanging bag, bag, hanging bag worm moth moth
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Psychidae ( avoid debt Psychidae ) animal large debt to avoid living larvae moth injury cut out of the Yellow fluid.
Latin animal mineral name: Clania preyeri ( Leech ).
Harvest and storage: larval nests cut out by hand, the larvae, the light body, cut off the1-2foot, is a pale yellow liquid outflow, drop into the sterilizing cup.
[ ] the original morphology of large debt to avoid moth, male adult body, wings are brown to black, black veins, forewing with translucent stripes4-5. Antennal plumes. The body length15-20mm, and33-42mm. The female adult mast, wingless, pale yellow, head minima, mouthparts are degraded, the last abdominal section 2having golden hair, body length25-30mm. The larvae first tooth brown when ripe, old black brown. The first half circular, mouthparts developed, chest and back are dark brown spots and longitudinal band. Length: 40mm.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: the 1 generation2 generation occur each year. Males were flying, the feathering out still habitat in the larva of any of the nest. Larvae of tea, cotton, mulberry trees, plum, plum.
Resource distribution: located in Jiangsu, Anhui, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Guangdong and other places.
[ ] larvae chemical composition containing lipids, iodine value90, price 10.3,219acetyl saponification value. Fatty acids: C14:0acid 24.6%, C16:1acid 29.O%, C18:2acid 24.8%. Sterols to cholesterol,β- sitosterol (β -sitosterol ) mainly. Silk fibroin and sericin protein ( fibroin ) ( sericin ) by glycine, glutamate, leucine, tyrosine.
[ ] salty taste; bitter cold;
[ ] to the liver through the heart; lung;
[ ] functions of heat-clearing and detoxicating; swelling and pain; muscle and astringing sores. The main boils
[ usage]: the amount of local, topical inunction; or liquid dripping in sore.
[ ] the paper" China Medicinal animal fauna": Qingrejiedu, myogenic and astringing sores, detumescence and analgesia function. Primary pyogenic infection. Can be directly dropped into the sore. Can also be used to remove the liquid injector, then drops.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

