

[ source ] from the" compendium of Materia Medica"
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Dī n Cǎ o
[ ] Herb of Common Leibnitzia English name
[ alias ] burning grass, gold leopard medicine, bitter horse dish, rice dishes, chicken feathers, white millet food, Artemisia tread incense, dragon grass roots, turning white leaf, small grass, grass fire.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: as the Compositae Gerbera entire grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Leibnitzia anandria ( L. ) Nakai [Tussi-lago anandria L.; Gerbera anandria ( L. ) Sch.-Bip]
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Gerbera perennial. The plant has two types: Spring dwarf, high 8-20cm. Ye Guang oval or elliptical shape wide egg form, long 2-6cm, wide 1.5-5cm, apex obtuse, base cordate or sometimes pinnately lobed; inflorescence purple; a long tubular flowers ca.7mm10-12mm. Autumn plant tall, high 30-60cm; leaf wrap around acicular long oval or elliptical shape wide egg form, long 5-6cm, wide 3-5.5cm, usually a violin shape pinnatifid apex, lobes ovate, margin irregularly with teeth, base often narrow decurrent into handle; heads of purple red, all tubular flowers. Achene long 4.5-6mm, has a longitudinal strip; pappus length4-5mm, dirty white or yellowish brown. Spring Autumn Period4-5 month, florescence 8-11 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born in hillside, the edge of the forest, grassland, roadside ditches and other wet places.
Resource distribution: distribution in South and North China and other places.
[ character ]
Character identification of this product curling into a regiment, withered green. Rhizome short, under the most fine fibrous root, the plant has the branch of size, basal leaves caespitose, rosette; leaf blade elliptic or broadly ovate, long 2-5.5cm, apex obtuse, base cordate, margin shallowly dentate. Scapes8-19cm long, some with white silk wool, have a strip of bract. Capitate inflorescences solitary, diameter 2cm, small plant inflorescence edge flower, purple red, central flower tubular, yellow, tubular flowers plants only. Achenes fusiform, two ends of contraction. Gas micro, taste spicy, bitter.
Microscopic identification of root transection in epidermal cells:1 column, often show brown or light brown, the most visible hair or its residue, red to pale brown or brown. Cortex parenchyma thickness, sometimes visible crack ( root of the thicker portion ); endothelial cell layer1, Kay's point. Pericycle cells in1 columns. Monocyclic type vascular bundle, phloem bundle often 4-5; primary xylem often 4-5prototype, secondary xylem small amounts ( root coarse part). Center for the smaller medullary.
Ye Heng: section on epidermal cell, each of the 1 columns, thick cuticle; holes in lower epidermis; visible multicellular non-glandular hairs or medium ( lower epidermis Rondeau ), non glandular apical cell very narrow, twisting distortion. Mesophyll leaves no palisade and sponge tissue differentiation, only on subepidermal cells arranged in a more compact, neat; both sides of the mesophyll tissue often connected to main veins at the upper epidermis. The main vein of subepidermal visible about 1columns of cells comprising the collenchyma ( or less). The main vein vascular circular, xylem and phloem is visible above the collenchyma.
[ ] this product chemical composition of ground section containing compound, ( benzofu-rans ) [1], Oino Sakura ( prunasin ),5- methyl fenugreek coarse -4-O- β-D- glucopyranosyl glycosides (5-methylcoumarin-4-O- β-Dglucopyranoside ) [2] ( ger-berinside ) [3], Gerbera glycosides, Gerbera glycoside (4-hydroxy-5-methylcoumarin ), the big small double Coumadin crude [3,3-methenebi- (4-hydroxy-5-methylcoumarin ) ], succinate (succinic acid ), -7- β-D- luteolin glucoside ( luteolin-7- β-D-gluco-side ), the big small fiber two glucoside (5-methylcoumarin-4-cellobioside), the big small gentian two glucoside (5-methlcoumarin-4-gentiobioside), taraxerol ( taraxerol ),β- sitosterol (β -sitosterol ) [4],3,8- -4- two hydroxy methyl methoxy coumarin (3,8-dihydroxy-4-methylxycoumarin ),3,8- two hydroxy -4- methoxy -2- oxygen generation -2H-1- benzopyran hydroxamic acid ( -5-3,8-dihydroxy-4-methoxy-2-oxo-2H-1-benzopyran-5-carboxylic acid5,8- two ), -7- (4- -5- hydroxyl hydroxyl methyl fenugreek crude -3- based ) - coumarin (4-hydroxy-5-methyl-coumarin-3-yl [5,8-dihydroxy-7- ) -coumarin][5].
[ ] the pharmacological effect
1antibacterial effect in vitro tests ( cup method ), Gerbera Decoction (10%-50% ), Gerbera glycosides and aglycones (5 × 10-4-2× 10-3), in the wake ofⅡ,Ⅲ, grass composition, VI, IX and ethanol extract of crystalline 5- methyl coumarin -4-O- β-D- glucoside on the golden color Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed different degrees of antimicrobial activity of [1-3]. Intraperitoneal injection of mice decoction or alcohol extract5g/kg and Gerbera glycoside 40-240mg/kg on Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection also has certain curative effect; carnation glycosides against Pseudomonas aeruginosa ED5046.2mg/kg[1].
2 pairs of mesh tongue fur system phagocytosis Gerbera by intraperitoneal injection of 20-56mg/kg in rabbits and mice could increase the phagocytic function of the reticuloendothelial system [1].
3 toxicity Gerbera glycosides to intraperitoneal injection of mouse200-500mg/kg,3D without death to rabbits, intravenous injection of20mg/kg,2 times a day,7d in blood, liver and kidney function not wind anomalies in [1].
[ ] identification
Physical and chemical identification of (1) take the coarse powder0.5g, plus ethanol10ml, soak overnight, filtration, the filtrate in white porcelain dish with dry, add5% vanilla West Han concentrated acid solution, placing the mauve.
(2) take the coarse powder0.5g, plus ethanol5ml, soaking10min, filtration, the filtrate of 1ml, plus 3% of carbonic acid in the water bath heating of 1ml,3min, ice bath cooling, plus a new preparation of diazonium reagents2 drops, marked in red.
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] functions of clearing heat and removing dampness; alexipharmic detumescence. Primary lung heat cough; dysentery; heating; rheumatoid arthritis; carbuncle boils swollen poison; early ecthyma; snake bites; burn; wound bleeding
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g; or wine. External: amount, trace and apply.
[ ] the paper1":" Guizhou folk medicine cure rheumatism numbness. 2" Guizhou": the wind dehumidifier, herbal cough and asthma stopping, detoxification.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


