
East Qiang sub

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From the1" Chinese Materia Medica" gleaning.
2" Kangxi several time series:" you re m, where both the Erdos sand, produced especially. Foliage clumping as Peng, like rice and small flax. As porridge, an edible; become the end, rechargeable cakes tea needs.
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n S èZì Ji
[ alias ] re m, Shami, climb, climb, coherent millet Ji thorn
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: as Chenopodiaceae Plants the seed of Chappon.
Latin animal mineral name: Agriophyllum squarrosum ( L. ) Moq.[A.arenarium Bieb.]
Harvest and storage: autumn fruit mature lay the seeds, removing impurities, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of annual herbaceous, tall 20-60cm. Stem from base partial branch, the lower layer branches often opposite or whorled, procumbent, upper branches alternate, obliquely exhibition, many twists and turns, hard, with stripes of angled, densely scattered branched hairs when young, later gradually smooth, green grass. Ye Husheng; sessile; leaf blade lanceolate to linear, long 2-7cm, wide 1-10mm, apex with a spiked, base attenuate, margin entire, with scattered branched hairs, leaf veins bulge, parallel. Spikes dense, oval or elliptical shape, sessile,1-3axillary; bracts broadly ovate, apex with small pointed, later reflexed; tepals 1-3, membranous; stamens 2-3, filaments awl-shaped, membranous, anthers ovate; ovary superior, styles short, stigmas 2, filiform. Utricle round or oval, flat or slightly convex sides, back, with membranous wings, apex beaked fruit is divided into two small beak, with a small beak first Swiss lateral denticles. Seeds flat, round, smooth, sometimes with light brown spots. Florescence in August, month of fruit period 9-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in sand dunes and sandy land.
Resource distribution: distribution in the northeast, north, northwest and Tibet.
[ character ] trait distinguishing seeds suborbicular, flattened, smooth, sometimes with light brown spots.
[ ] taste Gan Ping;
[ ] the lung meridian; spleen; stomach meridian
[ indications ] Jianpi Xiaoshi; published antipyretic; benefit of water. The main food stagnation; dysphagia nausea; cold have a fever; nephritis
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,9~ 15g; or cooked.
[ ] the discussion
1" Chinese Materia Medica": on Yiqi light, strong bones and muscles.
2" Kangxi several time being made": warm, benefit spleen and stomach, easy to digest, to spit, eat more useful.
3" test": clearing away heat and eliminating wind resistance.
4" program": Tom Lee e., gleaning elimination night food, treatment of dysphagia.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

