
On the root of Yau Ma Tei

Pinyin name ] [ Duì Yè Yó u Má Gē n
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: East Viburnum Caprifoliaceae plant root.
Latin botanical name: Viburnum taitoense Hayata. animal fossil
Harvest and storage: the autumn and winter, digging, sliced dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Taiwan Viburnum shrubs, up to 2m. Young branchlets, buds, below the leaf veins are stellate pilose; winter buds with 1 pairs of narrow flake. Leaves opposite; petiole 6-10( -15) mm; leaves thickly papery or leathery, leaf blade oblong, oblong-lanceolate or obovate-oblong,6-11cm long,2-4cm wide, apex mucronate to suborbicular, base broadly cuneate or subrounded, margin except base has a shallowly serrate, teeth tops convex head, dark green above and glossy, lateral veins 5-6 pairs, arcuate, together with the midrib on very depression, marked below projections, small veins slightly raised below. Inflorescence terminal, ca.3cm, width of 2cm; peduncle slender, ca.2cm; calyx tube cylindric campanulate, ca.2mm, calyx limb with5 micro gear; corolla white, funnelform, ca.6mm, corolla tube ca.5mm, diameter of about2mm, lobes suborbicular, ca.3mm; stamens; style slender, far higher than calyx teeth, stigmas capitate. Drupe red, broadly elliptic, ca.9mm, about 6mm in diameter; the number of nuclear irregular hexagonal, there is a closed tube shaped deep ventral groove.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 1600-3000m rocky scrub or valley streams.
Resource distribution: located in Taiwan, Hunan and Northern Guangxi.
[ ] the taste of sweet taste; cool
[ function ] regulate menstruation pain attending. Advocate produce blood stasis dysmenorrhea after abdominal pain;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,30-60g.
[ note ]" Hunan:" do not use drug of pregnant women.
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