
The brown root

English name ] Rhizome of Largeleaf Curculigo
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: as bloodwort lobar Curculigo rhizome.
Latin animal mineral name: Curculigo capitulata ( Lour. ) O. Kuntze[Leucojum capitulata Lour.]
Harvest and storage: summer, fall the excavation, removal of leaves, washed, sliced dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Curculigo capitulata, perennial herb. Gundam1m. Roots thick, lumpy, with elongated runner. Leaves basal, usually 4-7tablets; petiolar long 30-80cm, above the slot, side surface pubescent; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate or nearly oblong, long 40-90cm, wide 5-14cm, papery, margin entire, apex long acuminate, with plicate veins, veins on abaxial surface pubescent or glabrous. Scapes from leaf axils issued, usually shorter than leaves, long (10- )15-30cm, densely brown villous; raceme strongly reduced to a head shape, spherical or nearly ovate, drooping, long 2.5-5cm, with numerous dense flowers; bracts ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, long 1.5-2.5cm, hairy; flowers yellow, with about 7mm long pedicellate; perianth lobes 6, ovate-oblong, ca.8mm, width 3.5-4mm, apex obtuse, abaxially hairy outer, inner wheel only abaxial midvein or base of midrib hairy; stamens 6, filaments longer than anthers1mm, linear, ca.5mm than stamens; style a long, slender, stigma subcapitate, extremely shallow3 crack, ovary oblong or subglobose, coat. Berry subglobose, white, the diameter is about 4-5mm, beakless; seeds black, surface with irregular longitudinal ribs. Florescence 5-6 month, month of fruit period 8-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: grow at altitudes of850-2200m forests or sheltered places.
Resource distribution: located in Southern China, southwest, Jiangxi, Fujian, and Taiwan, Tibet and other places.
[ ], slightly bitter taste; temperature;
[ ] to the kidney; lung; liver by
[ indications ] Bushen impotence; Qufeng desiccant; Huoxue tiaojing. The main deficiency cough; impotence; whitish down; Yaoxisuanruan; rheumatic arthralgia cold palace; infertility; menstruation; uterine; uterine prolapse; traumatic injury
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-9g; or into the pill, powder. External application: suitable, grind end tune apply.
[ the ]1" the history of Chinese medicine in Guangxi": blood stasis, detumescence, rheumatism. For rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic injury. 2" Sichuan": history of Chinese medicine filling empty fatigue, regulating menstruation. Treatment Xulao cough, sore waist leg is soft, women and men red collapse leucorrhea, spermatorrhea and whitish


