
Melon seeds

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1from" Tang Bencao".
2" after this draft": white melon seeds, medicine must cream after the conjunction, the years, break out of nuclear, wash, dry, but takes the kind of beat.
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Gu āZì Ji
[ alias ] white melon seeds, melon seeds, melon, melon seeds, melon rhinoceros flap
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: cucurbitaceous plant wax gourd seed.
Latin animal mineral name: Benincasa hispida ( Thunb. ) Cogn.
Harvest and storage: edible gourd; collection of mature seed; wash; dried
[ ] the original morphology of annual herbaceous or climbing frame. The stem is tawny hirsute and villous, angled trench, ca.6m. Leaves alternate; petiole stout, long 5-20cm, being brown bristles and villous; leaf blade reniform suborbicular, wide 15-30cm5-7lobed or sometimes lobed, lobes broadly ovate, apex acute, margin denticulate, base deeply cordate, both sides were rough, veins on abaxial leaf surface mesh, slightly elevated, dense the coat. Zheng must in leaf axils,2-3disambiguation, is coarse hair and long pilose. Flowers unisexual, monoecious; flowers solitary in axils of leaves, pedicels are stiff hairs; calyx tube debate, lobes triangular ovate, margin serrate, reflexed; corolla yellow,5divided to base, outreach; male flowers with stamens 3, filaments division, anthers ovate, chamber is in a S shape bend; female ovaries a long cylindrical or long ovate, densely fulvous hirsute, stigmas 3, slightly twisted. Pepo large, fleshy, round columnar or subglobose, length 25-60cm, diameter 10-25cm, surface with bristles and wax powder. Seeds numerous, ovoid, white or pale yellow, compressed. Florescence 5-6 month, month of fruit period 6-8.
[ character ]
Character identification of seed oblong or oval, flat, long 1-1.5cm, width 0.5-1cm thickness of about 0.2cm. Yellow-white surface, slightly rough, smooth edge ( unilateral melon seeds ) or both sides of each of the 1outer rings ( bilateral melon seeds ). End is slightly pointed, with 2small protrusions, larger protrusions on the micropyle, smaller as the hilum, while the other end is blunt. Testa slightly hard and brittle, stripped of skin, visible cotyledons2, white, hypertrophy, radicle short. Body light, rich and oily. Gas, slightly sweet flavor.
To plump, white color is preferred.
Microscopic identification of seed transverse: kind of skin epidermal cells of 1 columns, near wall grid, slightly thick, slightly more than 10columns of wood; the cortical parenchyma cells, wall micro lignified, with pits; inside the2-3 column stone cell; aerenchyma1columns of cells, abuts the stone cell, cell gap between the larger end; two a vascular bundle;1 rows of cells within the epidermis. Nucellar epidermis of1columns of cells, outer cuticle, medial to the remnants of the nucellus and endosperm. Central has2 cotyledons, fatty oil and aleurone cells.
Physical and chemical identification of the goods from coarse powder1g,10min20ml water boiling, cooling, filtering. To obtain filtrate, the plug in the tube, intense shaking, produce lasting one bubble. ( check the saponin)
[ ] winter melon seeds oil chemical composition14%, wherein triglycerides ( triglyce-ride ) the content of 72%-96%, the main fatty acids linoleic acid ( linoleic acid ), oleic acid ( oleic acid ), stearic acid ( stearicacid ), palmitic acid ( palmitic acid ) [1], and eighteen carbon acid ( octadecadienoic acid ), two eighteen three carbon acid (octdecatrienoic acid ) [2]. It contains lipids ( lipid ). With phosphatidylcholine ( phosphatidyl choline ), phosphatidyl has alcohol amine (pholphatidyl ethanolamine ), phosphatidyl serine ( phosphatidyl serine ), phosphatidylinositol ( phosphatityl inolitol ), sphingomyelin ( sphingomyelin ), cerebrosides ( cerebroside ) [2]. Also contain sterols:βsitosterol (β -sitosterol ), campesterol ( campesterol ), stigmasterol ( stigmasterol ) [2],24- already base cholesteric -7,25- two enolase (24-ethylcholesta-7,25-dienol ),24- already base cholesteric -7,22,25- three enolase (24-ethylcholesta-7,22,25-trienol,24- ) have base of cholesteric -7- enolase (24-ethylcholesta-7-enlo ),24- already base cholesteric -7,22- two (24-ethy-lcholesta-7,22-dienol ) - [3],24 α- has been the base of α - cholesteric -8,22- two alcohol (24 β -ethyl-5α -cholesta-8,α22 β - already base cholesteric -8,22,25(27) three - [24 β-ethyl-5α -cholesta-8,22,25(27) -simiarenol][4]. It contains three terpenoids; viscosity of enolase (glutinol), Simi Rhododendron alcohol (simiarenol),5,24- gourd ( cucurbita-5,24-dienol ) two - [5]. Go to fat after seed protein content of cool dynamic component [7] and selenium, chromium and other inorganic elements of [8].
[ ] the pharmacological effect
The 1, immune function of melon seeds by hot water extraction, dialysis to dialysis liquid, the liquid on mouse lymphocyte mitogenic activity in a dose-dependent manner. Dialysis fluid for B cell mitogenic agent, PBA ( clonal B cell activator) activity and adjuvant activity, make PFC ( width of plaque forming cell ) significantly increased, presents the immune function of [1].
2, on trypsin inhibitory effects from the melon seeds purified trypsin inhibitor, get 4can inhibit the activity of trypsin component, wherein two groups belong to small molecule trypsin inhibitor [2].
[ ] physicochemical identification identification of the goods from the coarse powder1g,20ml of water, boil 10min, cooling, filtration. To obtain filtrate, the plug in the tube, intense shaking, resulting in persistent foam. ( check the saponin)
[ ] processing sorting net impurity, when pounded. Or simmer micro fry. The dry place, mothproof and rat bite.
[ ] taste sweet; slightly cold
[ ] the lung meridian; large intestine meridian
[ indications ] Qingfei phlegm dampness eliminating carbuncles; drainage. The main phlegm heat cough; lung; acute appendicitis; whitish; belt; athlete; edema; drench card
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-15g; or at the end of the inquiry. External application: suitable, paste coating
[ note ]:" do not recorded" long take cold.
[ ] the discussion
1: the" Qi".
2" do not recorded" : the main trouble with no music.
3:" eating" Cui Yuxi Lee channel, to freshwater.
4" Hua Zi": herbal skin wind stripping black GAN, smooth skin.
5" schema": treatment of acute appendicitis.
The 6" Chinese Materia Medica" Sutra: appetizer spleen.
7" Chinese Materia Medica": attending the Heart Sutra Yun heat, small water drip pain, and nasal facial rosacea like beans, pain, yellow water out.
8" new" Materia Medica from : nourishing liver eyesight.
9" Chinese Materia Medica": the hook element primary intra-abdominal location, ulceration and stomach, where the inner damming, most drugs.
10: Chen nian-zu can moistening lung Huatan, and benefits to the stomach.
11" Shandong": Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of renal inflammation, urethritis, urination, beriberi, edema.
The 12" Chinese medicine": a plant of hemorrhoids gall, or washing.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

