
Corydalis ambigua

[ source ] previous herbal chronicles the Northeast producing fumaric, its tubers section are yellow (see Corydalis strip ), but this is white to yellow to white, so the books contained in the authentic, this northeast local for medicinal.
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Bě I Yá n H úSu ǒ
[ alias ] Corydalis, blue, blue bean dishes.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: as the Papaveraceae Corydalis ambigua or whole leaf Rhizoma Corydalis tuber.
Latin animal mineral name: 1.CorydalisambiguaCham.etSchlecht. ( C.ambiguaCham.etSchlecht.var.amurensisMaxim. )2.CorydalisrepensMandl.etMuhld. ( Pistolochiarepens ( Mandl.etMuhld. ) Sojak )
Harvest and storage:5-6 months digging tubers, to the skin, use boiling water to the interior of yellow, dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1 northeast Rhizoma perennial, glabrous, with high 15-25cm. Tubers globose, diameter 8-15mm, section of single, white to pale yellow. Stems are weak, single, near base with scale1; self scale armpit often3-4branches, leaves with fine shank, blades grayish green back in two to3 out of the crack, a back lobes have obvious handle, ultimate segments sessile or shortly stipitate, long elliptic to obovate,1-3cm long, sometimes split, apex obtuse. Racemes terminal,8-20flowers sparsely flowered; bracts lanceolate to elliptic, long 5-15mm, entire or slightly lower, Chlamys dentate split; pedicels 15-20mm; sepals not obvious; corolla15-35mm long, pale blue to blue to purple, outer petals entire, without cusp, from thick and straight, nectar glands the penetration distance of long 1/2. Capsule linear,18-25mm long,2-3mm wide, slightly dry after a string of beads. Seeds many, ovate to oblong, ca.1.5mm, dark brown. Florescence 4-5 month, month of fruit period 4-6.
The species has3variant, distribution, use and seed are basically the same:①line crack of Corydalis ambigua ( Maxim. CorydalisambiguaCham.etSchecht.f.lineariloba ) C.Y.WuetZ.Y.Su lobe end segments oblong strip or strips. The circular crack of Corydalis ambigua ( Maxim. C.ambiguaCham.etSchlecht.f.ro-tundiloba ) Kitag. lobe end segments shortly stipitate, suborbicular, apex pectinate tooth or entire. The crack of Corydalis ambigua, C.ambiguaCham.etSchle-cht.f.pectinata (Kom. ) Kitag. lobe end segments cuneate, Chlamys dentate division.
2whole leaf Rhizoma perennial, glabrous, with high 8-22mm. Tuber globose to inverted conical shape, diameter 10-30mm, sometimes valves for3-6, tegument wilt cork several layers, the cross-section of white to light yellow. Stem decumbens, single, from the lower part of1 scales for2-5 branching. Leaves petiolate; leaf blade three to3 out of the crack, ultimate lobes elliptic or obovate,6-25mm long,5-6mm wide, margin entire, apex shallowly or deeply lobed. Racemes terminal,4-10flowers sparsely flowered; bracts lanceolate to ovate, in part, often a cleft in the upper, or entire; pedicels slender, ca.20mm; petals pale blue to purplish red, outer petals long 12-19mm, flap apex 2 - lobed, not mucronate, entire, distance petals slightly long; stigma with4 mastoid. Capsule ovoid to long ovate, long 10-15mm, wide 5mm, ripe when ptosis. Seed2, flat kidney round, black. Florescence in April, fruit period in May.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment:1 born in thin forests, forest margins Zamu, wet ditch.
2 born in elevation of 700-1000m mixed this woodland or forest edge.
Resource distribution:1located in the northeast region, to the East of.
2distribution in Northeast and Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Henan and other places.
[ character ]
1character identification (1) northeast of corydalis tuber spherical, oblate or prolate, diameter 5-10mm. Surface yellow or yellow brown, no wrinkles; upper retuse at stem scars, visible at the bottom of the adventitious root. Quality hard, white or yellow-white section. Gas micro, taste more bitter.
(2) the leaf of corydalis tuber oblate or globose, diameter 5-10mm. Surface yellow or yellow brown, no wrinkles; upper retuse at stem scars, visible at the bottom of the adventitious root. Quality hard, the cross-section of white to pale yellow. Gas micro, taste more bitter.
2microscopic powder characteristics: (1) white or pale yellow Corydalis ambigua. ① the starch grains in compound grain to grain, easy off. Single grain diameter circular,5-22μ m, umbilical points clear, mostly punctate, stellate, short slot shape, large particle layer obviously; compound grain by 2-5( -6) grain composition, with 2-4size to see, a few compound grain a particle smaller, larger particles visible layer. The lower cell wall piece, yellow green, rectangular or oblong, one end edge and uneven, the diameter of 27-63μ m, approximately to 360μ m, wall thickness 3-5μ m, lignified, pitting short slot shape, mostly transverse distribution is sparse, thin, apertures, density uniformity. ③cortex sclerenchymatous cells distributed in single, yellow green, class of rectangular or square, the diameter of 45-81μ m,72-153-225μ m, wall thickness 5-9μ m, wood, some layer obviously, pits dot, is sparse, the apertures marked. The stone cells ( tuber concave ) yellow green, round or polygonal, diameter 20-43 μm,37-63μ m, wall thickness 8-14μ m, some side thin lignified, pits, dense, punctate, apertures marked.
(2) the entire leaf Rhizoma Corydalis pale yellow or white. ① the starch grains of single grain diameter round,5-22μ m, umbilical point mostly punctate, also have short joint shape, stellate, some layer obviously; compound grain by2-7( -13) grain composition. The lower cell wall piece, yellowish brown, a bending strip - end edge roughness, the diameter of 31-62μ m, approximately to 130μ m, wall thickness 3-7μ m, lignified, lumina dense, punctate or short slot shaped apertures, is not so obvious. ③cortex sclerenchymatous cells distributed in single, yellowish brown, class of rectangular or irregular, uneven edges, convex, the diameter of 27-72μ m,117-180μ m, wall thickness 5-9μ m, lignified, pit is sparse, punctate or short slot shaped apertures, is not so obvious.
[ ] the chemical composition
1 northeast of corydalis tuber containing sinistral bulbocapnine ( cory-daline ). The Corydalis by alkali (corydalmine ). The racemic four hydro palmatine ( te-trahydropalmatine ). Protopine ( protopine ), dehydrocorydaline, l four hydrogen Africa sinomenine ( tetrahydrocolumbanime ), DL four hydrogen berberine (te-trahydocoptisine ), with four hydrogen berberine, berberine, corydalis to hydrogen by alkali, Cavan fixed alkali ( cavidine ),α- allocryptopine (α -allocryptopine ), DL methyl violet PA Ling (methylcorypalline), to hydrogen of Corydalis saxicola Bunting alkali (dehydrothalictrifo-line ) and white Corydalis alkaloids such as alkali ( ambinine ).
2whole leaf rhizoma corydalis tuber contains protopine, bicuculine alkali ( bicu-culline ), (stylopine ) - stylopine, sinistral scoulerine ( scouler-ine ), cheilanthifoline ( cheilanihifolin ), Corydaline, berberine ( cophsine ), ( glaucine ), sea of papaverine palmatine ( palmatine ) etc. alkaloids.
[ ] the pharmacological effect
1anti ulcer effect of Corydalis ambigua total alkaloids on pyloric ligature ulcer, stress ulcer, ulcer, ulcer aspirin ACTH inhibition rates were 60%,40.7%,43.3%,51.5%, can be very significant inhibition of gastric secretion, very significantly reduced gastric acidity, on pepsin activity has decreased.
2 analgesic, sedative and anticonvulsant effects of Corydalis ambigua crude extract with9g / kg by gavage to mice, no significant analgesic ( tail flick test, hot plate test ), sedative and anticonvulsant ( electrical stimulation ) (P > 0.05).
[ ] the toxicity of Corydalis ambigua very little toxicity, oral administration in mice failed to check LD50.
[ ] physical and chemical identification of thin layer chromatography identification: take the coarse powder of about 1.0g, methanol extracted 2hours, recovery of methanol, methanol residue with constant volume to1ml as a sample liquid, and tetrahydropalmatine in methanol solution (1mg/ml ) as a control fluid. Sampling liquid and control liquid in 3μ L respectively, point to the same silica gel G thin-layer plate, with N - hexane - chloroform - methanol - two triethylamine (5:3:0.5:1) spread out,15cm, drying, spray modified bismuth potassium iodide solution, sample chromatogram and reference substance in the corresponding location on chromatography, should be significant the same orange spots. A silica gel G CMC thin layer plate, sample solution and hydrogen alkaline methanol solution purple Foundation (1mg/ml )3μ L, with chloroform and methanol (5:1, ammonia saturated ) launched10cm, remove, drying, spray modified bismuth potassium iodide solution, sample chromatogram and reference substance in the corresponding location of chromatography, should show the same color spots.
[ ] Xin bitter taste; temperature;
[ ] liver stomach meridian;
[ indications ] and activating blood; blood stasis; Qi; pain relief. The main henchman waist pain; dysmenorrhea; menstruation; postpartum stagnation abdominal pain; metrorrhagia; aneurysm; traumatic injury
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-9g, grind end,1.5-3g; or at the end of the inquiry into the pill, powder.
[ note ] pregnant woman forbids.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


