
Big white

English name [ ] Griffith Condorvine, Root of Griffith Condorvine
[ alias ] white front, To, on the day students, breaking of horned cattle, small white
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: dicotyledonous plants for medicine ceropegias big white plant.
Latin plant animal name: Marsdenia griffithii Hook. F. mineral
Harvest and storage: annual recoverable, washed, chopped dried or fresh.
[ ] the original morphology stems grayish brown, with lenticels; branchlets grayish green, dry after myeloablative hollow. Internode length of 6cm. Leaves opposite; petiole up to 4cm; leaf blade broadly ovate, long 7-10CM, wide 5-7cm, apex blunt, base subcordate, few glabrous; lateral veins ca. 6on aggregate cymes axillary, most storied; calyx 5 crack, outside puberulent, inside base with 5 glands; corolla white corolla, near bell, simple surface is unripe fluff, took the lobes 5, right cover, inside pubescent; corona lobes drill or narrowly lanceolate, base broad fleshy; pollinia1, erect; ovary glabrous, stigmas protruding styles terete, corolla throat. Follicles wood, oblong, up to 9cm, the diameter is about 4cm. Seeds flat, with membranous edges, apex with white silky hair. Florescence autumn, fr. winter.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in montane forest.
Resource distribution: distribution in southern Yunnan.
[ ] stems chemical composition containing 4three terpene: large white alcohol ( griffithol ), oleanolic acid ( oleanolic acid ), Takiyoshi Moto ( longispinogenin ) and Mexico immortal often saponin ( chichipegenin) [1].
[ ] taste spicy, bitter, flat, toxic
[ ] heart kidney meridian;
[ indications ] Huoxue Tongluo Jiedu Xiaozhong; hemostatic bone. The main injuries; fracture; traumatic hemorrhage; furunculosis carbuncle
[ usage]: the amount of external grind end Caesar; or trace and apply.


