
Wax gourd vine

[ source ] from the" Hua Zi" on Chinese Materia Medica
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Gu āTé n
[ ] Stem of Chinese Waxgourd English name
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: cucurbitaceous melon cane.
Latin animal mineral name: Benincasa hispida ( Thunb. ) Cogn.
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, fresh or dried
[ ] the original morphology of annual herbaceous or climbing frame. The stem is tawny hirsute and villous, angled trench, ca.6m. Leaves alternate; petiole stout, long 5-20cm, being brown bristles and villous; leaf blade reniform suborbicular, wide 15-30cm5-7lobed or sometimes lobed, lobes broadly ovate, apex acute, margin denticulate, base deeply cordate, both sides were rough, veins on abaxial leaf surface mesh, slightly elevated, dense the coat. Zheng must in leaf axils,2-3disambiguation, is coarse hair and long pilose. Flowers unisexual, monoecious; flowers solitary in axils of leaves, pedicels are stiff hairs; calyx tube debate, lobes triangular ovate, margin serrate, reflexed; corolla yellow,5divided to base, outreach; male flowers with stamens 3, filaments division, anthers ovate, chamber is in a S shape bend; female ovaries a long cylindrical or long ovate, densely fulvous hirsute, stigmas 3, slightly twisted. Pepo large, fleshy, round columnar or subglobose, length 25-60cm, diameter 10-25cm, surface with bristles and wax powder. Seeds numerous, ovoid, white or pale yellow, compressed. Florescence 5-6 month, month of fruit period 6-8.
[ ] habitat distribution throughout the country have cultivation.
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] to the liver through the lung;
[ indications ] clearing lung and eliminating phlegm; activating collaterals. The main pulmonary heat phlegm; adverse joints; rectal prolapse; sore scabies
[ usage]: orally taken decoction or Daozhi, double9-15g, fresh goods. External application: suitable, fried or burning ash washing water.
[ ] the discussion
1" Hua Zi": Herbal washing sore scabies.
2" schema": Daozhi clothing, solution of fungus toxin, washed fried rectocele.
3" Chinese Materia Medica": new active path, Lee joint, and blood, to wet wind.
4" with interest in dietary spectrum" : Autumn Siegen truncation, inserting bottle, juice, for treatment of lung heat, phlegm fire, internal carbuncle syndromes.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

