
The AI

Pinyin name ] [ Dà Fē nà I
[ alias ] Blumea balsamifera, borneol AI
[ source ] for composite Blumea plant gale AI Blumea balsamifera DC., with roots, shoots, leaves are used as medicine. Summer and autumn harvest, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of annual or perennial large herbs or shrubs, sometimes a treelike, entire plant densely yellow-white tomentose, up to 3meters, with aroma. Stems erect, woody, much branched, green white. Leaves alternate, shortly stipitate or sessile. Leaf blade elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, margin irregularly toothed, green above with pubescent, densely white tomentose below. 4- May blossom, flower heads are smaller, ca. 1cm, arranged in a corymbose. Achenes10ribs, tomentose, apex pale white crested1 wheel.
[ ] h differential
[ ], taste, slightly bitter, tepid.
[ ] Qufeng functions of swelling, blood stasis. For colds, rheumatic arthritis, wind in the postpartum pain, dysmenorrhea; external use in treating traumatic injury, furuncle carbuncle, eczema, dermatitis.
[ usage]0.5~ 1two; topical amount, fresh stems and leaves pound apply affected part, or washed fried.
[ note ] (1) the product for the extraction of Blumea balsamifera ( NATURAL of borneol borneol raw material, i.e. ).
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


