
Big black grass

[ source ] from the" Yunnan selected medicinal plants of Simao"
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Hē I Tó u Cǎ o
[ English ] all grass og Pendulousflower Elsholtzia name
[ alias ] xanthate, xanthate, a yellow red, small Elsholtzia, hanging yellow, No Soko tree, wild sesame
[ source ]
Source: for medicinal Labiatae plants tassel herbamoslae entire grass.
Latin botanical mineral name: Elsholtzia penduliflora W. animal W. Smith
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, washed, dried, or fresh.
[ ] the original shape of half bush, tall 1-2m. The entire plant aromatic. Branch four prism, by Zheng Quwei fluff and gland. Leaves opposite; leaf blade lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate,6-18cm long,1.6-4.3cm wide, apex is pointed, base cuneate, margin serrulate, above veins puberulous, densely glandular dots below. Verticillaster inflorescence with flowers 6-12composition false spikes, terminal and axillary, long 5-15cm, elders usually pendulous, located in false spikes lower verticillaster is alienation, to gradually close; bracts linear or linear-oblong; inflorescence axis pilose; calyx rare form, ca.3mm, outside densely gland, calyx teeth5, subulate; corolla white, ca.5.5mm, upper lip erect, apex emarginate, cleft lip in3, lobes suborbicular, lateral lobes semicircular; stamens 4, anterior to the long, slightly protruding, filaments glabrous, anther locules 2; ovary4 crack, style slightly longer than stamens,2lobed stigma. Nutlets oblong, ca.1.3mm, ventral angulate, brown. Florescence 9-11 month, fr.10- next January.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 1100-2400m moist fertile soil, the valley side, open hillsides, plaque, forest or shrub between.
Resource distribution: distribution in southeastern Yunnan, southern and Western etc..
[ character ]
Character identification the whole grass multiple cut into about 30cm pieces. Stems are square column section, slightly inflated, surface dark purplish red; young branches sparsely white pilose; brittle, easily broken, section edge yellow-white, pith white. Leaves opposite, many were broken; complete after flattening showed lanceolate, long 7-20cm, wide 1.5-5cm, apex acuminate, base cuneate or rounded, margin serrulate, hispid on veins above, below the dense small oil point, petiolar long 0.2-0.5cm. Visible terminal or axillary false spikes of yellow, white, bell-shaped calyx tube. Nutlets obovoid. Gas smell, taste slightly pungent, cool.
In leaves, concentrated flavor is preferred.
Microscopic identification of the transverse section of the stem: epidermal cell1, outer cuticle. Cortical fiber bundles arranged in intermittent ring, polygon wood fiber, wall; endothelial layer. The phloem is narrow, the 2-4 column cell. Xylem by catheter, wood fiber, wood parenchyma cells, walls are wood; wood ray width 1-2columns of cells. Pith for large thin-walled cells. Ray and pith surrounding parenchyma cells contain starch grains.
Ye Heng section: epidermal1 rows of rectangular or square cells, outer cuticle, a non glandular hairs, glandular cells in the lower epidermis occasionally, small, flat, the 1 column, by micro beg protuberance of the stratum corneum, glandular hairs visible. Main veins under the skin, inside Youhou angle tissue, vascular monocyclic type, outside of a fiber bundle ring. Mesophyll tissue in1-2rows parenchyma cells containing green brown pigment, pigment formation with.
Leaf surface view: on epidermal anticlinal wall microwave shape, non glandular2-3 cells, the apical cell sharp, basal cell expansion, forming a conical; lower epidermal anticlinal Bilve wavy, having horny thickening textures; stomatal infinitive, accessory cell2-5. Gland for head 5-9cells, with pale yellow volatile oil; handle for single cell.
[ ] the chemical composition of volatile oil of oil of 0.68% grass,24kinds of volatile oil components, of which 1,8- cineole (1,8-cineole ) relative content of 71.71%, in the genus Elsholtzia rare. The remaining volatile withα - pinene (α -pinene ), camphene ( camphene ),β- pinene (β -pinene ), sabinene ( sabinene ), myrcene ( myr-cene ), limonene ( limonene ),γ- Terpinene (γ -terpinene ),4- -1- (4-phenyl-1-butene ) - butene,1- octene -3- alcohol (1-octene-3-ol ), benzaldehyde ( ben-zaldehyde ) ( linalool ), linalool, Terpinene -4- alcohol (terpinene-4-ol), elsholtzione (elsholtzione ), naphthalene ( maphthalene ),α- terpineol (α -terpineol ), trans - caryophyllene ( trans-carophyllene ), Humulus scandens ( humulene ) ene,β- cadibene (β -cubebene ),β- to hydrogen elsholtzione (β -dehydroelsholtzione ),γ- elemene (γ -el-emene ), with spicy Mint ketone ( isopiperitenone ), thymol ( thymol ), carvacrol ( carnacrol ) [1].
[ identify ] physicochemical identification (1) take the coarse powder5g, add5ml distilled water, heating to boiling, filtering. Take1ml filtrate, plus 1% ferric chloride ethanol liquid1-2 drops significantly, blue green. ( check the tannin) (2) take the coarse powder5g, add5ml distilled water, a dig dip 20min, filtration. Take1ml filtrate, plus 0.2% indinavir three ketone liquid2-3 drops, in boiling water bath heating for 15min, significant blue purple. ( check the amino acid )
[ ] bitter taste; Xin; cool
[ indications ] Qingfei Zhike; heat-clearing and detoxicating. The mainstream sense; pneumonia; bronchitis; cholecystitis; urinary tract infection; tonsillitis; mastitis; anthrax; traumatic infection
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,9-15g,30-60g of high dose. External: amount, dry fried water first; or fresh goods trace and apply.
[ ] the treatise" Yunnan selected medicinal plants of Simao": the effects of expelling wind and cold, antipyretic analgesic. Malaria, colds, flu, sore throat, tonsillitis.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


