
Big green grass

[ source ] this product in the name of Du Genteng was first recorded in" plant is in" volume ten mountain grass, clouds: Du cane production in Hunan province hill slope, shape and nine lions grass poles, but the stems much must, must do green, blossom as the nine lions grass, but only one valve color white, ebracteate. According to the text and drawings and origin, and this kind of match.
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Qī n Cǎ o
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: as the Acanthaceae plant Du Genteng entire grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Calophanoides quadrifolia ( Wall. ) Ridl. [Justicia quadrifolia Wall.]
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original form of Du Genteng erect or tumbling like herb, up to 50cm. Leaves opposite; leaf blade elliptic to short rounded lanceolate, long 2-12cm, apex acuminate, base ministry gradually narrow becomes short power, entire; lateral veins 4to. Flowers dense in axils of leaves, flowers1 to majority; bracts obovate-spatulate, ca.7mm; bracteoles missing; calyx lobes 5, lanceolate, ca.7mm, strip, hairs; corolla white, tubular, slightly hairy outside, long 8-12mm, limb two lip, lip proximal scaphoid,3lobed lip; stamens 2, cell 2, unequal height, one of them in the next, tail. Capsule clavate, ca.8mm. The upper with seed 4, lower solid, seeds tuberculate.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born in hillside, wayside grass or under forest.
Resource distribution: located in Zhejiang, Hunan, Yunnan and other places.
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] functions of clearing away heat and toxic material. The main line of erysipelas toxin; mouth sores; jaundice;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,9-15g; or fresh tastes pound Jiashi clothes.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


