
Big horn spoon

[ alias ], must, snow peach, her sewing kit, Kawa Shirame, Piaoer melon, Zhu Ling Xiao
[ source ] Asclepiadaceae Cynanchum plants large claw an Cynanchum inamoenum ( Maxim. ) Lose., to root and rhizome. In the excavation, to the ground root, shake the sand, dry.
[ ] taste bitter, salty, cold.
[ indications ] clearing away heat and cooling blood, antipyretic chufan. For fever with yin asthenia, long heat does not retreat, postpartum fever, irritability and insomnia.
[ usage] from 1 to3.
[ note ]1) belong to the group of plants Cynanchum forrestii Schltr. morphology similar to tiger grass in Yunnan area using the generation of Cynanchum atratum.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


