
The big mushroom

Pinyin name ] [ Dà Hó n G ū
[ alias ], Zhu mushroom Russula
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for the russulaceae fungal fruiting body of large russula.
Latin animal mineral name: Russula rubra ( Krom. ) Bres
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn rain washed, dried between picking, standby.
[ ] the original morphology of6-16cm wide, flat half spherical, after the flat and concave. Deep amaranth red, smooth surface, in the humid climate of viscous, smooth edge or have not obvious stripe. Mushroom white meat. Stipe nearly cylindrical, long 3.5-13cm, thick1.5-3.5cm, white, some natural, internal soft; gill yellow, a minority in the divergent at base, pleating with transverse veins, the front edge pleats are usually red. Spores are pale yellow, subglobose, (8-11)μ m ×(7-9)μ m, the surface of the wall have thorns; cystic body transparent, lanceolate, (85-105)μ m ×(13-19)μ M.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in Forest Wet land. Summer, autumn between common.
Resource distribution: distribution in all parts of Fujian.
[ character ] character identification cap flat half spherical, or flat, while the central concave, diameter 4-10cm, red or dark red, pink or whitish edge, smooth or with fine hairs, have not obvious stripe. Mushroom meat under the skin white, pink. Gill density, divergent at base, white or light reddish brown, with transverse veins. The round, length 3.5-8cm, diameter 1-2.5cm, white or pinkish. Gas micro, spicy taste.
[ ] taste Gan; sexual tepid
[ indications ] blood stasis; wind. The main deficiency chlorosis; postpartum lochiometra; joint pain
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-20g; or with chicken, pork stew.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

