
Big night closed

[ ]" herbal" from Guizhou.
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Yè Guā n Mé n
[ ] Leaf of Manynerve Bauhinia English name
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: legumes for many sheep hoof leaf leaf veins.
Latin plant animal name: Bauhinia pernervosa L. Chen[B.glauca minerals ( Wall.ex Benth. ) Benth.subsp.pernervosa ( L.Chen ) T.Chen]
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn leaf collection, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of multi leaf veins sheep hoof a vine; branchlets subglabrous, tendrils 1or 2. Leaves alternate; petiole is long2.5-4cm, sparsely strigose; leaves leathery, suborbicular,8-11cm long,8-12cm wide, apex 2 - lobed leaves, lobed to1/7-1/5, apex rounded, base cordate, veins9-11, the following are reddish brown pilose along veins; calyx tube, glabrous, lobes long 2-2.5cm, long oval; petals white with red, spatulate or suborbicular, ca.11mm, width 10mm, outside along the midline of a tandem pilose, margin crisped; fertile stamens 3, sterile stamens 7; ovary with a short handle; stigma capitate. Pod flat, long22cm, wide 4-5cm, thin veins, glabrous. Seed more than 30 stars. Florescence 6-7 month, fruit period in September.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in mountain road and valley forest.
Resource distribution: located in Guizhou, Yunnan.
[ ] sweet taste, acid, bitter; temperature
[ ] heart kidney meridian;
[ ] functions on convergence. The main rectocele and uterine prolapse
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-9g. External application: suitable, grind end tune apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

