
Broad bean shell

[ source ] from the" compendium of Materia Medica" gleaning
[ ] C n D 's Pinyin names which u K e
English name [ ] seed-coat of Broadbean
[ alias ] bean skin.
[ source ]
Medicine source: for legume bean Vicia faba L testa.
Latin animal mineral name: Vicia faba L.
Harvest and storage : take water soaked beans, peeling bean shell, dried. Or stripping tender bean with the seed coat.
[ ] the original morphology of broad bean more years or annuals, high 30-180cm. Stems erect, unbranched, glabrous. Leaves paripinnate; stipules large, half sagittate, margin white membranous, glabrous, with sparsely serrate, blade tip with reduced tendrils; lobule 2-6, leaf blade elliptic or broadly elliptic to long, long 4-8cm,2.5-4cm wide, apex rounded or obtuse, apiculate, base cuneate, margin entire. Racemes axillary or single, peduncle very short; calyx campanulate, membranous, ca.1.3cm,5 lobed, lobes lanceolate, up to 2segments slightly shorter; corolla butterfly, white, with reddish purple stripes, upper petal obovate, apex obtuse, attenuate toward base, petals elliptic, apex rounded, base for the triangle-shaped ears, one side claw, keel triangular shaped semi circular, claw; stamens 10, two; ovary sessile, glabrous, apex of branches back with a tuft of white barbate. Fruit oblong, hypertrophy, length 5-10cm, width of2cm. Seed 2-4, oval, slightly flattened. Flowering of 3-4 months, fr.6-8.
[ ] habitat distribution across the country widely cultivated.
[ character ] testa slightly flat reniform or irregularly shaped pieces, a complete length 2cm, diameter 1.2-1.5mm, outer surface of purple brown, slightly shiny, slightly uneven, or rugose, end with the groove shape black hilum, ca.10mm; inner surface color is light. Hard and brittle. Gas, light. In the color purple brown is preferred.
[ ] seed chemical composition containing DOPA - O - beta - D - glucoside ( dopa-O - P - D-glucoside), DOPA ( DOPA ) and L tyrosine ( L-tyrosine ).
[ ] taste sweet; light; flat
[ ] kidney meridian tropism;
[ ] functions diuretic dampness hemostasis; detoxification. The main edema; athlete; urination; blood; fetal blood; leakage; pemphigus; impetigo; scrofula
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,9-15g. External: amount of grind end, calcined powder.
[ attach ] of party for urination time barrier, painful death: broad bean shell three two, Jiantang clothes. If there is no fresh shell, shell instead of dry. (" merciful" Living Book II treats hematemesis: broad bean shell ), four or five years old are wonderful, decoct soup to drink. (" secret recipe" for adults set inspection ) and pediatric facial impetigo, flow to that life, spread round: broad bean shell fried into carbon, fine grinding, plus a little east Dan and uniform, to really apply to oil vegetable oil modulation, frequency of. (" experience" the health Collection ) for fetal leakage: fried broad bean shell end mill. Each serving of three or four money, Gaza, a little sugar transfer service. (" public good" bliss Hall ) the cure: Li string salt from broad bean shell a clock, sesame oil dip one week, remove, bean shell tile baked, research is at the end, sesame oil on the affected area. (" line had seized secret" )
[ ] the discussion
1" Chinese materia medica and raw": cineration refractory pemphigus.
2" Modern Practical Traditional Chinese medicine": for edema, beriberi, urination.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


