

[ source ] from Guangzhou forces" commonly used Herbal Handbook"
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Jī n Ni úCǎ o
English name [ ] Chinese Milkwort Herb, Herb of Chinese Milkwort
[ alias ] fat child grass snake duct, partridge, tea, gold, purple back Taurus, big, big gold grass, green orchid noon, infantile malnutrition grass, thick skin orange, Daikin does not change, Daikin do not change slope white grass, grass, Taurus, years of red, reassuring Polygala grass, maxima, leaf Yizhi flowers, grass, Silver Taurus does not change, greasy medicine insect.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Southern China Polygalaceae plants of polygala root with a complete grass.
Latin botanical mineral name: Polygala glomerata Lour.[Polygala animal chinensis L.]
Harvest and storage: spring, summer harvest, cut and dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Polygala Southern China erect annual herb, high 10-50cm. Root stout, orange. Cauline radical ministry lignification, branch is cylindrical, green, be curly pubescent. Leaves alternate; petiole ca.1mm, pilose; leaves papery, obovate, elliptic to lanceolate, long 2.6-7cm, wide 1-1.5cm, apex obtuse, mucronate or acuminate, base cuneate, margin entire, slightly reflexed, sparsely pubescent; main veins in the groove is provided above, below apophysis, lateral veins few, abaxially inconspicuous. Flowers bisexual, racemose inflorescences extra-axillary, dilute axillary, ca.1cm, spend less, dense; sepals 5, green, persistent, outside3 small, ovate-lanceolate, ca.2mm, with lines of hairs, inside2large, falcate, ca.4.5mm, ciliate; petals 3, pale yellow, white with reddish, basally connate, keel top back with 2beam cristate appendage laciniate; stamens 8, filaments ca.3mm,1/2-3/4 following connate into a sheath, wireless hair stick, anthers ovate, dehiscent by apical pores; ovary oblate, ca.1mm, ciliate, style curved, apex horseshoe bend, stigma embedded therein. Capsule orbicular, ca.2mm, apex retuse, narrowly winged, ciliate. Seeds black, oblong, slightly flattened, ca.4mm, white villous, strophiole white, with 3 short crack membranous appendages. Florescence 7-9 month, month of fruit period 8-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: grow at altitudes of500-1000m grass shrub in.
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and other places.
[ character ]
Character identification the grass stems6-40cm, puberulent, most have branched. Leaf crinkle, complete oval leaves, oblong-lanceolate or egg circle, long1-6cm, wide 0.5-1.5cm, grayish green or brown, end of blade often has a little abruptly acuminate, petiole short, hairy. Capsule ca.4mm, apex concave, margin ciliate, sepals persistent. Seed base with3 short clefts of the caruncle. Gas with no, mild.
Microscopic identification of leaf surface view: epidermal anticlinal wall corrugated curved, flat wall has a horny texture; stomatal infinitive or inequality, accessory cell3-5. The epidermal cells of anticlinal walls are straight, flat wall with horny texture; few pores. Non glandular hairs as single cells, rare 2cells, long 82-380μ m, more curved, with obvious wall warts. Mesophyll parenchyma cells contain calcium oxalate crystals, the diameter of 24-63μ M.
[ ] the chemical composition
The whole plant contains flavonoids, saponins.
The whole grass gold without changing the lactone ( srchilactome,2-piperonylidene-3-veratroyl-3S-? -brtyrolactone ), helioxanthin ( helioxanthin ), gold ( chisrlactome ), the new fat Hua Yuanzhi lactone ( chinensin ), hydroxyl, Polygala lactone (chinensinaphthol ) and hydroxyl radical Chinese Polygala lactone ether ( chinensinaphtholmethylether ), still containing saponin and pilot1.47%, containing flavonoid compounds.
[ ] physicochemical identification and identification of golden grass coarse powder0.5g, the plug tube, heating water 10ml, forced vibration wave generated1min, persistent foam, placed30min did not disappear. ( check the saponins )
[ ] taste Xin Gan; flat;
[ ] lung spleen meridian;
[ ] expectorant functions; negative; blood stasis; detoxification. Primary cough sore throat; infantile infantile malnutrition; traumatic injury; Luo Li; carbuncle; snake bites
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g. External: amount, trace and apply; or at the end of the inquiry tune apply.
[ ] the paper1" medica gleaning": treat children all phlegm disease and fever expansion. 2" herbs of preparing to": spreading poison, cough, treatment of snake bite. Root: a toothache. 3" Chinese materia medica and raw"; Lord cough phlegm fire injury, radiation poisoning scrofula. Root: treating infantile malnutrition. The 4" record:" south of the Five Ridges herbs can eliminate abdominal distention, infantile infantile malnutrition. Root: antiemetic diarrhea, removing stasis and generating new. 5" Guangxi drug-sik directory": in treating traumatic, jaundice, hepatitis, red and white scours. 6 Guangzhou troops" commonly used Herbal Handbook:" activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis, relieving pain. Treatment of chest pain, cough, pertussis, polio, nebula cornea, corneal ulcer, acute conjunctivitis.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


