
Chrysanthemum leaf chicken

Pinyin name ] [ Dà YèJ īJ úHu.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: as the Compositae largeleaf Ironweed stem root bark, leaves or stems.
Latin animal mineral name: Vernonia uolkameriifolia ( Wall. ) DC.
Harvest and storage: the pull is collected, stripping bark root, washed, dried. Stems, leaves readily recoverable, fresh.
[ ] the original morphology of largeleaf Ironweed stem shrubs or small trees,5-8m. Branches stout, cylindrical, is yellowish brown villous. Ye Husheng; petiole short and wide, long 10-18mm, base often extend into a sheath, densely tomentose; leaves large, obovate, obovate-oblong or lanceolate, long 15-40cm, wide 4-15cm, apex acute or obtuse tip, base ministry gradually narrow to broadly cuneate, margin sinuate or with sparse coarse teeth, dilute nearly entire, lateral veins 12-17 pairs, veinlets reticulate veins below, protrusions, glabrous above or only the midrib puberulous, following along veins pilose, glandular. Capitate most, in the branch end formed up to above 20cm leafless complex panicles, lower branched panicles long 8-10cm, inflorescence axis is yellow velvet color densely tomentose, sessile or short stalk; involucre campanulate,5-8mm diameter; involucral bracts ca.5, imbricate, pale brown or the upper end of the purple, ovate-lanceolate, outer short and blunt, inner slightly pointed, outside densely pilose and eyelashes; receptacle flat, with a hole; flowers pale red or reddish purple, corolla tube, long 7-8mm, tube short, eaves ministry narrow bell-shaped, glabrous. Achene is cylindrical, ca.4mm, with 8-10longitudinal ribs, intercostal glandular or puberulous; crested white, short outer layer, inner layer Brown hairy, long 8-9mm. Flowering in October to April the following year.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of 800-1600m Valley thickets or mixed forest in.
Resource distribution: located in Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet.
[ ] woody stems in part from the chemical composition wereα - fragrant resin acid acetate ( acetateα-amvrin ), lupeol ester ( lupeol acetate ), friedelin ketone ( friedelin ), epi-friedelanol alcohol ( epifriedelinol ),α- amyrin (α -amyrin ) and stigmasterol ( stigmasterol ).
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] Qufeng functions; dampness; Tonglin; adjustable. The main common cold of wind-heat; rheumatoid arthritis; urine pus and blood; urinary calculi; traumatic injury
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, root bark,10-15g. External application: suitable, stem and leaf trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


