
Ci Wu

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1from the" Jiayou Materia Medica" : CI crow like black and small, many group fly, as raven crow sound is. The North soil slue, not for waist smelly, now called the goose.
2" schema": myth four: small and black, small mouth to feed back their Ci Wu also like kind; black and white mouth, abdomen, not feeding, raven black; like crow black and, since the person, Yan Wu; like raven black and small mouth, also troglodyte, mountain Wu also.
[ ] C W reports the grave Pinyin name
English name [ Jackdaw ]
[ alias ] black bird, filial piety, mercy, feeding hills public, crow crow, crow, crow Kua wheat
[ source ]
Medicine source: Corvidae jackdaw all meat or animal.
Latin animal mineral name: Corvus monedula ( Linnaeus )
Harvest and storage: the four seasons can be captured, killed, removing the feathers and offal, fresh.
[ ] the original shape, body length of about 30cm. Their stout, black. Neck, upper back and chest, neck, abdomen all pale, the rest are black; head back and wings and feathers are inside Fuyu purplish bright glow, Yu Yu are flashing green blue light. The side of the head and the body plumage mixed with white lines. The feather is tapered needle. Another black type, all except head side some white stripes, are black. The iris is dark brown; the tarsometatarsal, toe, feet and claws are black.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: inhabits mountain and plain fields, good group of habitat. Staple food crop seeds, also eating insects.
Resource distribution: distribution of several times throughout the south, but less.
[ ] the chemical composition of meat containing protein ( protein ), peptide ( peptides ) ( amino acid ), amino acids, lipids ( lipid ).
[ ] taste sour salty; flat;
[ ] lung kidney meridian;
[ function ] Yin and yang. The main coughing; deficiency vexation heat; frail emaciation
[ usage] oral administration: cooking, amount.
[ ] the treatise" Jiayou" materia medica: s Lodge is thin, assist gas, cough, deficiency win weak, and five taste - grilled food.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

