
Clove oil

[ source ] from the" resistance test"
[ ] Pinyin name D n be Xi n Y u to be."
English name [ ] Clove Oil
[ source ]
Medicine source: Myrtle clove dried flower bud by distillation from the volatile oil.
Latin animal mineral name: Syzygium aromaticum ( L. ) Et Perry Merr.
[ ] the original morphology of clove, evergreen trees, up to 10 meters high. Leaves opposite; petiole markedly; leaves ovate or oblong obovate rectangular, length 5-10cm, width 2.5-5cm, apex acuminate or acute, base narrow often exhibit a sessile, entire. The flowers are fragrant, into the terminal thyrses, flower diameter of about 6mm; calyx hypertrophy, green to purple, tubular, apex4 crack, lobation triangle; corolla white, slightly purple, short appressed,4 crack; stamens numerous, anthers longitudinally dehiscent; ovary inferior, and calyx tube connate, style thick, stigma not apparent. Berry red brown oval, rectangular, length 1-1.5cm, diameter5-8mm, apex night latch sepals. Seeds oblong.
[ character ] is pale yellow or colorless transparent oily liquid, clove special aromatic. Exposed to air or storage time, then gradually strong and pale brown. Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether or easily in glacial acetic acid. For the proportion of1.038-1.060.
[ ] see the pharmacological effects of clove.
[ ] taste spicy; Gan; heat
[ ] to the spleen stomach; kidney;
[ ] its functions; Jiangni; wet kidney. The main cold stomach inflation pain; hiccup; vomiting; arthralgia; colic; breath; toothache
[ usage] oral administration : the little drips into decoction or wine. External : smear.
[ attach ]1Party governance cold stomach vomit even: clove oil, wipe the transparent quadrangle. 2cure cold stomach: clove oil and wine. 3 warm the pubic region, in addition to watery diarrhoea: clove oil coated warming umbilical paste. 4: bulk expansion and clove oil coated umbilical. 5 treatment of arthralgia: clove oil rub. 3cure bad breath: clove oil wipe teeth. 5solutions of crab poisoning: clove oil drop, with ginger. (1 Party following the" schema gleaning" )8insect tooth pain ( non inflammatory pain ): clove oil little, dipped in a small cotton ball, embedded within the bore hole. ( Jiangsu)
[ ] the paper1" wish Mu test effect party": clove oil, cure scrofula, nuclear paste, take the incense burning into main and collateral channels, Xin to Sanjie lag ear. 2" Outline" gleaning: clove oil, through the key, dispel cold, the force velocity in lilac. 3" resistance test:" Aphrodisiac kidney. Cold cure colic. 4:" Wang Dianxiang" pharmacognosy for the stomach more gas, colic, indigestion, nausea and vomiting; rheumatic pain, neuropathic pain, toothache.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


