
Ding Guo leaves

[ ] Pinyin name D n Gu Sh Y keyword to be
[ source ]
Medicine source: as Melastomataceae plants Shi E Bai Lamu leaves.
Latin animal mineral name: Blastus caualeriei Levl.et Van.
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of shrub, high 30-150cm. Stem cylindrical, ramose much, very densely rusty puberulous and sparsely glandule place. Leaves opposite; petiole length7-23mm, rusty puberulous and sparsely glandule place; leaf blade papery, ovate or lanceolate to ovate, long 6.5-15cm,2-7cm wide, apex acuminate, base cordate to rounded, with fine pale wavy toothed or entire, glabrous leaves above, below only pulse is rusty puberulent and small point; basal veins 5. Flowers bisexual,4number; cymes paniculate, terminal, racemes, pedicels and calyx are puberulous and small point; pedicels long 2-5mm; calyx infundibular, have 4 edge, long 4-5mm, long 2-3mm, lobes spatulate, apex rounded; petals pink to purple, oblong, apex acuminate, length 5mm, width 1.5mm; stamen filaments ca.6mm, glabrous, anthers linear, curved, ca.6mm, base slightly expanded, with inconspicuous tubercles; ovary semi-inferior, ovate, apex with 4small protrusions, glabrous. Capsule is elliptic,4 longitudinal, Su Cune pack, Su Cune was small, ca.4mm, diameter of about2.5mm, Chang Guan places to put sepal. Flowering of 6-8 months, fr.8-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in100-1600m elevation slopes, valley dense forest, moist roadsides or in shrubs.
Resource distribution: distribution in Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places in Guizhou.
[ character ] character identification: leaf blade papery, many were broken, the upper surface of lower surface yellow green, dark green, lanceolate to ovate lanceolate or ovate, apex acuminate, base rounded or slightly cordate, length 5.2-15.0cm, width 1.9-7.0cm, entire or finely undulate teeth, basal veins 5, glabrous leaves, back scattered small yellowish scales; petiole length5-20mm, densely puberulent and small scales.
[ ] taste astringent; flat
[ ] and hemostatic functions. The main external bleeding; leucorrhea
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-15g. External: fresh goods amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


